*Wouldnt speak to anyone from a council estate*


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Ok so ive had a massive arguement (well got had a go at ) i realise iv wrote a few really downer rants on here in the last couple of days but if i could just do this last one so i feel like iv got it off my chest id really appreciate it !

So, staying with other half and his parents because im more or less homeless, and OHs brought our dog round, been here 2 days and his FIL said yesterday that all Staffies are dangerous vicious dogs not to be trusted. SO a man came round to give a quote for some carpet today, and he said iv got a staff, FIL said aww, i must have had a funny look on my face, cus carpet man said what, i looked at FIL and he said aw whats she like, so i said you dont like staffies do ya , n he said what you on about, and kept on and on trying ot make me look like i was lying so i said
* You said staffs are a dangerous brred who cant be trusted, you said they were vicious* and he just laughed it off.
I know that was a bit, i dno i feel a bit ungrateful after all they are having me stay here wen they dont have to, but i dno why hed lie about it, hes so two faced hell say loads of racist stuff, then when a black guy came round to deliver something hes calls him buddy and then slags him off wen hes left, he probably started cus i embarassed him thinking about it now, becus hes just brought it up.
Saying what did you say that to the carpet man for , when OH and evryones gone out and its just me n him in the kitchen, n i said i didnt think youd mind, you dont like them do you !?!
And then he kept saying they are dangerous breeds n all that and i said it hink its just the owners, you've had german shepards in the past and some people see those as dangerous dogs but im sure you'd agree you could trust them etc
Then he starts getting really nasty about it saying look your dogs a fucking killer, and i said look weve both got our diferent opinions lets just agree to disagree, but he kept on and on and on so i said look theres no point argueing about it because neither of us are going to back down, your never going to believe my dogs not vicious ( he says she looks at him funny ) and im never going to agree she is.
So i walk away, n start pottering in another room abit, n he follows me in and gets up close in my face and says what youve gotta understand love is iv got 50 years of life experience in this, and i said so youve been bitten by a staff ? and he said no listen to me, ( hes only ever been bitten by a terrier and in the past has kept german shepards and akitas ! ) 50 years experience, and i said youve only ever been bitten by a terrier so i dont know how you class that as experience that staffies are vicious.
SO he wanders out the room, comes back in and says * i wouldnt ever normally talk to anyone from a council estate so im not talking anymore to ya*, so i didnt know what to say then i mean originally im from a council house yes, but now im homeless so surely that would have been a bugger insult, as it is the only person hes met on my side of the family is my lovely grandma, so hes really saying she and me are scum ?

The facts about this man you probably should know are:
a few days ago me and MIL were talking about baby and he said well he ( my OH ) isnt mine so i aint going to be a grandad.
His hobby is collecting nazi memorabelia and parading round the house in a full replica uniform, not because of any historic re-enactment or anything, just becasue he thinks they had the right idea about everything.
Hes an absolute racist, bigamist everything, but soo two faced, he'd never say anything to a person but uses absolutely foul language regarding women, gay people, black people anyone you possibley COULD have a grudge against ( weve come to blows over this in the past )
When hes had an arguement ( hes either arguing with MIL, or OH's brother or OH most days iv been here ) he disappears and comes back completely wrecked talking about survellance on the house and gets really paranoid and agressive.

If it wasnt for the fact i have nowehre else to go, although MIL is LOVELY, i wouldnt be here, iv been to the council again this week who now say im just waiting for a call to say theyve found me somewhere, at the minute its either this or a dodgy b and b, the homeless officer actually said to me * where we stick all the junkies and crackheads * and said he wouldnt be comfortable putting me there, i said well surely youve got somewhere safe for me to go somewhere, he said if you can just make do for the time being wherever you can you'd be better off, come back if you get really desperate, but with the b n b if you leave, you wont be eligible for housing.
Or my friends who lives about 10 miles from northampton, where i need to be tomorrow for midwife cus iv gotta have my anti-d and get a letter of NFA at 9 and 11 , itd take loads of money and time to get there and back id basically have to leave now !

Told you it was long, if your this far well done, i barely am.
So my question is what do i do ? this was only ever temporary but now i dont know what im supposed to do ? OH's mum says fuck him and stay, ( there seperated but live together here because he wont leave ) but im debating whether that skanky b n b could be much worse than feeling like i cant go to the loo at night or downstairs for a drink incase he starts again !
He sounds like my inlaws, especially with the comments re blacks etc.... really does my nut in!

We were once having a discussion about ex's and I said that I went with a guy from the carribean and my FIL turn round and said "Oh, if my daughter ever went with a coloured guy I would go mad - I bet your Dad was happy" I was like "dad dint have a problem to be honest, neither should you... it's nothing to do with you"


Just ignore him he sounds like a pillock!
I think if he is really that bad and he and your OH's mum are seperated, wait till he is out of the house and get the locksmiths round to change the locks!

You really dont want to be where you are not safe and sound better off where you are, you just have to try and stay out of the mans way. But i would say watch your dog around him cause if it thinks he is threatning you in anyway it may just go for him.
:hug: :hug: :hug: he sounds horrible :shock:
but hun i honestly think you are safer there than in a bnb
my friend stayed in temporary accom in a BnB and it was really
horrid, there were crackheads and alcoholics screaming and fighting at all hours, i went to visit and was terrified in the first 5 mins!! there were these 2 big blokes out the front smoking weed saying nasty comments to ppl etc..at least you have your OH and his mum..try to avoid that gimp and concentrate on the council giving you a place soon :hug: :hug:
Yeah im already careful not to let her be around him on her own, not only because he reckons shes vicious, but he winds his own dogs up with food, hitting them on the head so they snap, because their only little terriers its no big deal about the snapping, and hes also said * im a disrecspectful ungrateful so n so * because iv said cant you just leave them alone to eat, and i dnt want him doing it with my dog, theres usually someone around but today it just happened to be me here. Iv got her in OHs room now so shes alright.
I say shes our dog, my grandma looks after her now, takes her for walks on her motorised scooter and everything, hardly a natural born killer !

N as far as changing the locks goes done that before and he broke all the bay windows to get in, he can go days without leaving his room, and other times theres no stopping him :(
I actually love you guys for managing to read all that, sitting here crying now cus ur all so lovely for putting up with me, its hard to believe i must be THAT nasty a peice of work that nobody but Oh and his mum want me around, i do what i can here, like iv grown loads of vegetables at the top of the garden, and i feed all the dogs and iv spent ages cleaning up a fireplace downstairs today but none of it means anything, iv offered to giv money for having me here ( iv been here since last week) for a bit but he says he doesnt want it, only to bring up that im a moneyless scrounge now ( i can hear him shouting at MIL downstairs )

Anyways thanks u guys so much for reading that, left my mobile downstairs so cant ring anyone for a good old rant and cry cus i dnt wanna go downstairs n wen hes still shouting ! :hug: :hug: :hug:
The man sounds like an ass, and yeah thats what i got told about B&Bs too :(

so im still living at my dads at the moment.

on the good side, it sounds like hes an all round idiot, rather than just being a bit offish with you! So i wouldnt take it personally hun. were always here for you, it is tough living in the same house as people like that, especially when they are doing you a favour. stay strong for your baby. :hug:
:shock: eek he sounds like a nutcase! i suppose if ur MIL feels "safe" with him tho and ur alternative is to be surrounded by bagheads and crackheads- who MAY be actually rele dangerous and unpredictable, i would say try to stick it out. just stay away from him and bite your lip and dont say anything to provoke him.

i cant belive he said that comment to u about the council estate. people who look down their noses on others like that just make themselves look further down- in fact right at the bottom of their own little social hierarchy!

rise above it sweetie :hug:

good luck. hope u get a place of ur own soon
He sounds like filth, I still dont understand how people can be racist...Not got the balls to say it to a black mans face I bet lol

I'd say it depends how long you wanna be staying there for tbh, try and stay 4 a little while longer if u cant take it, u can find a nice b&b i'm sure.
He sounds like anice sort. I'd beat him round the head with a copy of the Daily Mail, personally
omg that man sounds vile :x :puke:

I don't have any advice on what you should do but here have some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
stay and make his life hell. :twisted: Buy another 3 staffs and train them to crap in his bed.
Urchin said:
stay and make his life hell. :twisted: Buy another 3
staffs and train them to crap in his bed.

My thoughts exactly.

He sounds like a complete fruitcake.
Stay where you are for now but keep bugging the council about getting your new house. If it gets too much for too long then see your midwife or GP and they can write to housing regarding the pressure you are under in your current situation and it may give you more priority points (I had to do that when I was homeless due to my depression/panic attacks)

By the way I'm a scummy council tenant with a german shepherd and golden retriever who would love to look at him funny - wanna be friends?


Good luck and hope you get somewhere soon!

Sarah xxx
he sounds like a really nasty piece of work. i hope you manage to get out of there soon... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i am not sorry to say that i think that he is an offensive little man.

my dad is from south africa and lived through the apartheid, where by he was classed as coloured and when he went to the beach he had to sit with the other coloureds and couldnt go on the white bit of the beach.

my nan and grandad on my mum's side are the only family i had as the rest of them were killed by the Nazi's that your FIL likes to dress up in.

people like that are pathetic and i cant be bothered to talk about it anymore as it makes me so :x

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