Would you stay at home if you could?

i went back when abigail was 8 months 1 week and its the best thing ive ever done, i got a brilliant 8 months off with her and i only work mornings so i still get to see loads of her, she lives with me aswell (we dont live with her daddy) so i have her all the time. but she loves nursery and she has come on so much since bein there, she was always great and clever anyway but shes brilliant and its done her the world of good interactin with other babies, different surroundings etc rather than bein with borin mummy all the time lol. shes really happy there which makes me happy to leave her there well i make us some money for a good life, i earn around £400 a week which is great for us :D
I could stay at home if I wanted to, but I get bored too easily. I'm not a very good housewife..I love Ella and spending time with her, but I miss adult company. I have a part time job, around 8 hours a week and it's not enough! That makes me sound like a terrible mother!
I wish so much I could stay home. Becky's been in nursery twice now and she bloody loves it. TBH I think it will be good for her not having to be with me all the time. My ideal would be working part time, 2 days one week 3 the next which is totally do-able with my job.

But we just can't afford it :cry: My main consolation is that I'm a teacher and we get good holidays so we'll always have plenty time together.
daftscotslass said:
I wish so much I could stay home. Becky's been in nursery twice now and she bloody loves it. TBH I think it will be good for her not having to be with me all the time. My ideal would be working part time, 2 days one week 3 the next which is totally do-able with my job.

But we just can't afford it :cry: My main consolation is that I'm a teacher and we get good holidays so we'll always have plenty time together.

If you did that then we could watch each other kid :lol: Since I am part time in Jan
Bee said:
daftscotslass said:
I wish so much I could stay home. Becky's been in nursery twice now and she bloody loves it. TBH I think it will be good for her not having to be with me all the time. My ideal would be working part time, 2 days one week 3 the next which is totally do-able with my job.

But we just can't afford it :cry: My main consolation is that I'm a teacher and we get good holidays so we'll always have plenty time together.

If you did that then we could watch each other kid :lol: Since I am part time in Jan

I'm sorely tempted to re-work the finances and think about it more seriously. I want to see how I'll get on full time first as it'll be easier to go f/t to p/t than the other way around. So aye, sounds ideal. We have to make sure we get pregnant again around the same time too to make things easier :rotfl:
daftscotslass said:
Bee said:
daftscotslass said:
I wish so much I could stay home. Becky's been in nursery twice now and she bloody loves it. TBH I think it will be good for her not having to be with me all the time. My ideal would be working part time, 2 days one week 3 the next which is totally do-able with my job.

But we just can't afford it :cry: My main consolation is that I'm a teacher and we get good holidays so we'll always have plenty time together.

If you did that then we could watch each other kid :lol: Since I am part time in Jan

I'm sorely tempted to re-work the finances and think about it more seriously. I want to see how I'll get on full time first as it'll be easier to go f/t to p/t than the other way around. So aye, sounds ideal. We have to make sure we get pregnant again around the same time too to make things easier :rotfl:

:lol: done :D Don't think Craig will agree :lol:
hi i went back to work when my first daughter was 6month old i took her to work with me as i worked in a nursery she was in the baby room... but after 6 months of working there i started with anxiety id just go really dizzy when i was outside or even at family houses, i dont know why it started it was as if i was going to faint all the time..

so the anxeity got that bad were i had to quit work which was hard for me as i enjoyed it..
the anxeity sttayed ever since i didnt take any tablets for it so its taken a while for me to be able to control it and go out..

but strange enough since having my son the axiety has vanished i dont know why, as soon as i had him the dizzines went???? im a medical mystery lol :rotfl:

i stop at home and i love it seeing everything with my children i dont miss anything then :)
I wanted to stay at home so badly with Maddison that we gave up our house and mortgage so that I could. We are very lucky though that hubby is in the RAF and so we got given an RAF house which allowed us to do this. I dont have a career anymore but I wouldnt change a thing :wink:
Im lucky that I work from home & hubby earns enough for us to live on so I only need to work the hours that suit us all. I have been considering getting a job part time though for some extra money and to get me out of the house but not sure yet :)
Thank you for all your replies.

I guess my biggest fear is that if I did stop working and then wanted to go back a few years later I may not be able to do the same job but would have to start all over again. But then all I need to do is to look at my beautiful daughter playing to make me understand that she is my priority now.

I feel very lucky to have a choice. I feel for all of you who would like to stay at home but can't because of finances. But then you are the bravest of mums because you do whatever it takes to give the best possible start to your LOs :hug:
We're going to do our best for me to stay at home full time with the little one for a few years at least - although we want to TTC with in the next 18months so ideally I'd like all the kids we have at the time to start infant school before I start looking for work.

It's going to be absolute murder on our finances but I'm sure in my heart it'll be for the best :hug:
Squiglet said:
Oh absolutely... but I live in Squiglet world where thats not possible :rotfl: :wall: :wall: Wish it were though :(

Move over, woman. Tight place Squiglet world :rotfl:

Wish I could stay home, I used to enjoy working and being a mom, but now just want to be home with them and keep my house in some sort of order; i resent every little thing in my children's life that i miss :( ...except school sing songs...where everybody sings out of key at the top of their voice! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


i would LOVEEEEEEEEEEE to be a SAHM, even if i had no kids i would still love to be a "lady whom lunches"! :lol: a housewife has always been my dream job! yes i went to college but that was because i ENJOY education, not because i want to USE it for anything.

my sister who is an oxford graduate and just starting off her career as criminal psychologist, says i have lack of ambition and "dont u ever want more for yourself?"

NO WAY!! lol my mum is the same she thinks money and career are the be all and end all. mother and housewife suits me fine- but only now i'm over 25- when i was younger my preferred occupation was "none", "student", "bum", "unemployed", "lady who lunches"! and i really dont see what is wrong with that or "unambitious"

i do not like work! i have a nice cushdy job and my employers treat me very well, its not that its just i dont like working full stop. i feel a bit degraded that i have to give someone my precious time and grace them with my appearance against my desire, in return for money. same principle as escorting and similar roles IMO!

sorry got carried away there lol...

in short, yes i would certainly stay at home if i could.
dunno, I love my free time with Jamie but i need adult conversation too lol
I went back to work when he was 6mths and glad I did cos it gave me time to be Kay as well as mummy :D

Its easier not to work yeah but I reckon Jam would get bored cos he loves his little friends at nursery, it gives him a chance to run riot and let off steam :lol:

If money was no option then Id stay off for sure
yes I would definitely.

I went back 4 days a week when Holly was 6mths old and although she loves nursery I hated leaving her.

Luckily due to hols etc I had a lot of time off and then I was made redundant at the end of oct so I have actually had most of her first year off. I am going back full time in the new year and not looking forward to it but financially we cant afford for me not to work.

I would def stay home if I could and my plan is that when we have another to sell one of our houses when the market picks up, bank the cash so i can take at least a year off then go back 2/3 days per week.

In the meantime I'll keep buying those lottery tickets! :pray:

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