Would this upset you


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Or am I being hyper sensitive?

My SIL is getting married in Aug. She lives about 300 miles away and having her hen party in July. So plenty of time after baby is born for me to get up there.

She's been banging on about her hen party on facebook and said that she'd sent out the invites. I've not received an invite:sad: then on a day that I was taken into hospital (false labour) she text me to tell me she was disappointed that I wasn't going to be there:-?

I've not even been asked for me to refuse. I didn't reply to her text because I didn't know what to say.

She's not once since text me to see how I/we are and I'm getting really cheesed off with it all now. She'll text my hubby random questions about my girls being bridesmaids but not me.

We used to be really close at one point but now I've got as though I can't be bothered with her or the bloody wedding anymore.

Am I just being hormonal:oops:
I dont think you are chick, Id be the same and Im not pregnant.
I cant even think of a reason why shed be like that, maybe text her back and say you never said you werent going and that you havent had an invite?
I hope you manage to sort things, sorry I cant be much help :hug:
Has the invite possibly been lost in post? Maybe there's been a mix up. If she defo hasn't sent one I would be annoyed but it might just be there's been a mix up. Why don't u explain you haven't received an invite for you to tell her whether you can go or not xxx
No she's definitely not sent one. The text message clearly stated that I'd not been invited and she was disappointed that I wouldn't be there.

I daren't text her because the way I feel right now I will open my mouth too far and start world war 3:x

At least I know I'm not being hormonal. I've had a word with DH about it, but he just shrugs his shoulders. If that was a member of my family that had done the same to him I would have had a word with that member. I sometimes just feel he's not on my side:sad:
I don't know her so I can't judge but it sounds like she's lapping up all the attention and somewhat wants to steal all the attention from you. Would she have any reason to be jealous? Does she have kids?

As for you DH, I think perhaps he doesn't want to fall out with his sister and so he's trying not to get involved. He understand your upset but I just think he doesn't want to say anything to his sister in case World War 3 takes place.

I would be the exact same hun, and we cannot blame our pregnancy hormones on everything :p
We're all humans and it's only human nature to react the way you have. You're no different.

If you don't want to say anything yet, then don't. I would personally text and say something like, "Lol I didn't get an Invite :p But have a lovely hen party anyway".

In that case then I would be pretty pissed off. So basically she's disappointed you can't go but not actually invited you to give you the choice. I would be so tempted to text her and be cheeky but sometimes things like these are better left alone. If you do decide to text her though just explain your disappointed that you weren't invited in the first place xxx
I'd be pissed off too! If she didn't invite you then why does she think it's ok to be "disappointed" you're not going?? xx DId you actually tell her you weren't going?? xx
I'd be pissed off too! If she didn't invite you then why does she think it's ok to be "disappointed" you're not going?? xx DId you actually tell her you weren't going?? xx

No, I'd actually been looking forward to going and making arrangements in my head to go and stop over and how to get up there.

I know baby will probably be about 8-10 weeks old but I would have made the effort. When I had my hen party I invited her and DH's mum but they refused which was ok with me.

She does have children her youngest is 6 months old, but she does love the limelight.

If she was to text me to see how I was then I think I would say something to her.
Hi, if I were you I'd probably text her and say something like.. " your disappointed? Not as disappointed as me.. Where is my invite? Have been really looking forward to a night out lol" just throw the ball back in her court and see how she reacts, you are showing her that you were up for going and it's her fault you aren't not yours xx
Hi, if I were you I'd probably text her and say something like.. " your disappointed? Not as disappointed as me.. Where is my invite? Have been really looking forward to a night out lol" just throw the ball back in her court and see how she reacts, you are showing her that you were up for going and it's her fault you aren't not yours xx

That's actually quite a good way of putting it. I will text her later and see what she says to that.
I'd be pissed off too! If she didn't invite you then why does she think it's ok to be "disappointed" you're not going?? xx DId you actually tell her you weren't going?? xx

No, I'd actually been looking forward to going and making arrangements in my head to go and stop over and how to get up there.

I know baby will probably be about 8-10 weeks old but I would have made the effort. When I had my hen party I invited her and DH's mum but they refused which was ok with me.

She does have children her youngest is 6 months old, but she does love the limelight.

If she was to text me to see how I was then I think I would say something to her.

Aww :hug:

It sounds to me like she didn't invite on on purpose, knowing you wouldn't invite yourself, and then is using it as an excuse to be a bitch and try to get a bad reaction from you! :) Maybe she was in some way offended that you invited her to yours when her LO was young? Maybe she thought "How dare she invite me when she knows I can't go" or something daft like that?! x

Honestly if i were you I'd ask her what her problem is!! Say, I never got an invite so assumed you thought I wouldn't want to go as LO will be wee. Then tell her if it's ok with her you'd actually love to go. Best thing to do with people like that is just not to give them the satisfaction.

You could say something like "oh sorry, i never replied because I thought you hadn't invited me..I just assumed you were thinking about my LO being so young, but I'd love to go if you'll have me" And see what she says to THAT lol :) x

I know you shouldn't be saying sorry, but she sounds like a bit of a silly girl looking for a bust up lol xx

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