Would of been due around this week......


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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.......but wasn't ment to be........fingers crossed tomorrow we hear a special heart beat :) Mixed emotions tonight!x
Good luck for tomorrow hon.xx
Thank you, feeling a little emotional thinking what could of been, also so happy we have a second chance, emotions on both ends of the spectrum! X
Good luck sweetheart. I understand completely how you feel and am sure some of the others have memorable days like us. My big sister lost her first and now has a beautiful 5 month old who we couldn't imagine not being in our lives. Of course, if she had not lost we would never have my nephew. I'm rubbish at explaining but hopefully you get what I mean? You'll be absolutely fine and go on to have a beautiful and healthy baby and although you'll never forget your little angel, your life will be complete. Xxx
It's so hard isn't it? you feel so sad for your loss and then feel a little bad because you're supposed to be happy your pregnant again. If my first pregnancy had gone as it should I would have a 6 weeks old baby in my arms now. If my second pregnancy had gone ok I would be 30 weeks now. But here I am starting all over again at just over 5 weeks.

You're not alone babe, hang in there, do whatever makes you feel better, we're here for you xxx
Thanks girls, I know exactly what you mean essjaypea, it's a weird feeling! I don't want to forget my first pregnancy and can't help but compare but at the same time I'm so happy to be here again on the eve of my scan just so anxious!x

Kedi, again I'm sure your exactly the same, it's hard to enjoy your pregnancy after a loss, let alone 2, last time I was reading up on every weeks development, searching baby things and thinking of names, this time I have hardly acknowledged the fact I am pregnant, I'm not even letting myself think beyond tomorrow, last time I did def have a deep feeling something was wrong, this time that's not there but I don't have the positive vibe either! I'm in limbo,x
Hope you sleep well hun and enjoy tomorrow. Can't wait to see a pic :D xx
Thank you! Getting butterflies now, less than 3 hours to go....x
:hugs: cant wait to see piccys love, its your turn this time xx
Good luck sweetie, thinking of you! Really hope your sad week turns into a wonderful one :) let us know how you get on! xxx

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