Worth testing or is it definitely over?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Hi guys,

I think I am going through some kind of denial here. Trying to work out if I am worthwhile testing just to put my mind at rest.

Had faint positive tests a day after period was due - retested again a day later but the results were not any stronger. I was confused and worried at that point as I had been cramping for several days but thought it was implantation.

On the 5th day of my missed period I started to get light bleeding both dark and red in colour. On the 6th day this was starting to look like my normal period however there were some clotted bits there. The cramping was not too bad however. It lasted for 4 days in total and has now stopped.

Spoke to doctor, they could not do much as it was so early but they said it sounded like the egg had been fertilised but just not worked out.

Is this definitely a miscarriage/loss or could I still be pregnant?

How long before all of the hormone will go to get a negative test and is it worth me buying a test?

Think its all more confusing because it all happened so fast. :(
Sorry to hear this hun,

I had an early loss in Spetember.

I got my BFP and within a 4 days I was spotting, within the week I was bleeding like a proper period.

I tested 2 weeks later and got a BFN....

I would leave it a little while and test?

Have you seen a Dr about this?


Yeh I went to the doctors, he did not do much but said that because my tests were only faint positives despite being late for my period and the fact that I was bleeding like a normal period that it wasnt looking optimistic.

I just feel that without any tests being done there is no way of knowing 100% and it is the uncertainty which is frustrating me.

I am no longer cramping but have been feeling nauseous so don't really know. Very confusing.
Hey, sometimes with testing after a loss though it will still show up as positive as the hormones can still be floating about or there can be retained tissue etc. I think your best bet is for you to see your gp and for them to get you an ultrasound scan to check what's going on in there, after 6 weeks from your last period (I think) would be the earliest really that you should get the scan just incase your pregnancy has indeed developed! But to answer your question, I've had this happen me twice with the cramps and spotting, first time ended in miscarriage unfortunately and this time I'm 18 weeks pregnant. Wishing you the best of luck and if you have any questions or want a chat give me a private message xxxx
Thanks for that :) I think I will wait it out and see what happens with the assumption that it was a m/c. Keeping positive, when its the right time im.sure it will happen...just gotta keep trying :)
Hey, how did things turn out? I am going through the same thing now but I got a clear blue digital with a positive result, started bleeding clots and then like a period 2 days later and then got negative cheapie pregnancy tests.

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