Worst weekend of my life!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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Bit of a rant but here goes. my nan got rushed to hospital on friday again she only got out of hospital 2 weeks ago as she was bleeding from her bottom they thought it was a burst stomach ulcer, Anyway got a call from my uncle telling me to get down to the hospital and to get my mum from work as no1 could get hold of her so I rushed out when we got there she was in resus room and we got taken to a family room and told that if she doesnt improve in next few hours she might die!! shes 80 but it was so heartbreaking by auntie was on the floor screaming I didnt no what to do anyway later on she had to go to surgery as they found blood had collected around her heart which is why she had low blood preasuure and was struggling to breathe. We went in to see her b4 she went to surgery and it was the worst sight iv ever seen she was yellow and didnt even recognise us. We had to wait hours b4 we got taken to intensive care to see her, then the doctor came to speak to us in a private room to tell us they are sure the blood on the heart and chest cavity is a secondary syptom to cancer more then likely colon cancer which has spread and to prepare for the worst as they had to do more tests to determine how far the cancer has progressed. Absolutely heartbreaking they stil havnt got the results bk so we r in the dark right now and what is worse is none of them know im pregnant I know my nan isnt going to be around for when our baby is borm and its going to upset them all even more when they all find out my nan adores babies shes been asking us for about 2 years when we are having another baby and she cant wait for me to have another baby I wish we had started trying earlier now so she would get to see the baby I know it sounds silly as we didnt know this would happen but its just so upsetting I lived with my mum and nana all my life til I moved out so she is my 2nd mum shes allways done all the things my mum did for me I dont know how im going to cope with the next few months and I dont want to fall apart as my mum and auntie are not strong ill have to be there for them and the fact im scared all this stress might affect my baby too.

Sorry for the huge post just needed to write how im feeling down as you lot r the only ones other than my hubby and 3 close friends who know im pregnant. To top it off iv cought the horrid sickness bug going around been up all night been sick and got the runs so all in all feeling pretty crap at the moment!

Lots of hugs and love, hope things get more comfortable for your Nan and things aren't too hard on your Mum and Aunt and that you feel lots better soon!

What an awful weekend hun. It's heartbreaking when a family member is ill. My friends mum had cancer & knew she was pregnant, but passed away 3 months before she had her little boy. She named her son Liam as her mum said she liked the name for a boy. My grandad passed away 2 years ago this Christmas & was 101, but it didn't make it any easier. I appreciate he had a long & wonderful life & as he was suffering I seek comfort knowing he wasn't in pain any more.
I hope you feel better soon & that you get some answers. I can't say don't stress as it's impossible not to, but try & stay as calm as you can. Thinking of you at such a difficult time.

Sunnyb xxx
thank you all for the kind msgs it does help been able to talk to someone about it x
oh my gosh hun :hug: i cant imagine how hard it is for you :hug: maybe if you get chance, you could tell your nan when you're alone with her, i'm sure she'll be able to hear you and she'll be really happy for you! massive :hug: hun xx
Dont no what to do weather to tell her or not the doctors havnt told my nan how bad things r yet tho and we have decided not to let her know until we have to so maybe after shes been told the worst news ill tell her about the baby might give her something to hold on to, I hope so anyway! This happened with my first daughter and my grandma we found out she had terminal cancer just after I found out I was pregnant and she held on til after Leah was born she died the same week after she saw her that is why my daughters middle name is Kathleen feel like deja vu same thing happenening allover again didnt cope well last time feel even worse this time as im even closer to my nan probs closer to her than anyone cant stand seeing her so ill shes been so brave tho getting through what she did on friday is a miracle so I have a little hope shes a fighter thats for sure x
so sorry to hear this sending some positive thoughts your way hun x

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