Worried! :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
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I'm not feeling to great this evening :( had a headache for a week and been sick a few times! Maybe I'm just worrying about nothing but can't help thinkin about preeclampsia! I don't feel particularly puffy like I did last time but my vision is blurry! :( don't wanna waste any of the out of hours doctors time but can't settle either!
If your worried something is wrong then it's better to be safe than sorry and you should get yourself checked out

You should get yourself checked out. Best to be safe hon!X
Pre eclampsia is not to be ignored! Go and get your urine and BP checked NOW!!! Xxx
I agree with the others, at least give the nhs direct a ring and if the nurse is also concerned she'll send someone out to you, otherwise they should give you some advice at least 08454647 xxx
I did go to the emergency doctors last night! I do have slightly raised blood pressure and +protein :( the gp wanted to send me triage but midwife in triage said take painkillers and if the headache is still there to go up this morning! And guess what.......... Still have a headach and blurred vision! ! :( so I will be off up to triage when I've had some breakfast! I will keep u all posted
Sorry to hear you are still feeling rubbish - good luck with triage today, hopefully they can get to the bottom of it and make you better :)
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Good luck with your trip to triage, hope you're ok and get some answers :)
Take care
Aww deffo get checked out, fx everything will be fine..:)

Been at the hospital 3 hours now and still here :( They are not to worried because my blood pressure isn't too high! But still +protein in my urine! Just waiting for blood test results!
Fingers crossed you get your results soon and can head home to rest!

Hope you get some answers soon x
Well blood test came back normal and blood pressure dropped slightly so sent home! I'm glad that it's not preeclampsia but at the same time what's wrong with me :( few days off work do I can rest! Thanx for ur well wishes :)
Glad it's nothing serious! Sounds like a plan, couple of days off and take it easy, do nothing and relax xx
So glad to hear it's not pre eclampsia. take the docs advice and chill for a few days. Get well soon x

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