

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Ive been really stressed and I am having a hard time as I argued with my OH, this morning I have terrible pain in my stomach it feels like contractions, I am not bleeding but had small bleedings during pregnancy, Yesterday and today I feel like im leaking alittle of water too..Not sure if its just me worried...
Hi honey. Maybe give your midwife a call or EPU to ask? If I had pain like that and was worried then I would just go to A&E or something. Its more than likely just you being stressed and growing pains. I got some really bad pains since 10 weeks and it tends to be when I move quickly like from sitting to standing and its given me quite a fright a few times! Maybe have a chat with OH and explain that hormones are not easy when pregnant and could he try to be a bit more helpful and not argue... men dont "get it" and I have had to apologise to my kids and OH a few times when I realise its me thats lost the plot....

Let me know how you get on - put your feet up and rest and see if pain goes away. Maybe try hot water bottle?
Really dont feel good, Im so upset right now, its been the worst morning ever, I think I might be suffering from pregnancy depression or something, i feel consdtantly sad and Im supposed to be so happy but I just can't... had a go at my oh this morning for some old pic i found on his phone i didnt like very much and he just ended up saying maybe the best thing is for us not to be together and im so heartbroken.. ive been crying all morning and I really dont feel good, so alone here with no family etc. And he went to a stag do now and Im in bits.. He said just before he is leaving that he loves me and will never leave me but Im just so sad and dont know what to do.. Sorry posting it all out here..
scandicmum85 - I know exactly how you feel babes. I went over to a friends house last night and there was this girl there I really don't like and she was driving me mad.... I swear I just wanted to kill her! I got home and complained to OH about her and he was basically saying he's never noticed how horrible she is etc etc and I basically said if you think she's such an angel and won't believe your wife then just f**k off and leave me alone. We argued for ages because he'd left the house a mess and I had to clean it up with a bad back and sickness. I just went in the spare room and cried all night and felt teary all day. Just the old hormones I think hun but I get how you feel and it's not nice. Sorry for my rant.... really hope you're ok :hugs:xxxxx
thank u... Im sorry u didnt have a good night, and its so easy to go mad isnt.. with all the hormones.. But I have felt really down for 4 weeks now and Im not getting better... I feel really bad I feel this way but I don't know what I can do..
Yep very easy to get mad and upset. Maybe you could speak to your doc/midwife hun? They should be able to help? x
I would go see your GP and tell them whats happening with you. No point in doing this all alone. But hey, remember you are not alone - you have US :friends:
Remember what he said before he left - he loves you and wont leave you - you just feel worse cos you feel so down....

My last pregnancy was awful with hormones - me and my hubby argued soooo much - so bad I used to leave the house at like 2am and just drive to the middle of nowhere and scream my head off - sometimes I would go to my office and lie and sleep on the floor! Its really not easy and you would be surprised how many of us here are not as happy go lucky as you may think!!

Chin up - go have something rediculously sinful to eat, watch a good movie - something all feel good like "Pretty Woman" and relax

Sending you the biggest hug from Scotland x
It's probably a conbination of so many things Yvonne...

You wanted to get pregnant and went through all the stress of ttc and then you finally get pregnant and it's probably anti-climatic because you don't really have anything to show for it yet.

It just more worries.

Then you've moved to a completely different country where you know no one except for your husband and he doesn't seem to appreciate how lonely and vulnerable you are feeling.

You want to feel that comfort that you can only feel from familiarity.

Maybe it was all supposed to be a fresh start and the reality of the situation is that nothing has changed except your geographical location and that you lost close contact with your family...

It might not seem it now, but it will get better in time.

Don't put pressure on your husband to fill the roles of all your family that you have left behind, because he can't on his own.

You need to make friends. Good friends. That can only be done in time.

Involve yourself socially at work, at your daughters school and volunteer locally in something you are interested in. Get a rountine going and you'll soon notice the same faces and evertually become friends :)
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