Worried sick


Dec 28, 2013
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Hi all

My wife and I were/are (not sure how to put it) expecting another baby. Calculating from LMP she should have been 10weeks +3 on her scan which was just before Christmas. She had a U/S and trans vaginal scan, there was a yolk sack, a pole, but no heart beat. The pole measured at 6 weeks. The midwife said that she was going to miscarry and booked us in for a D&C.

We attended the D&C, met the doctor who asked us questions and gave us a spiel on how things will go, risks associated etc, then we met the anesthetist, who advised us of his part and risks etc. Consent form was then signed for procedure. We were there for a good 4 hours, just trying to be positive and praying.

Just as we were getting ready, the doc came in and asked how many scans we had, we advised of the one session where we had the u/s and trans-vaginal a few days prior. The doctor went off and advised the Registrar who came in and gave us a consultation and another scan. The scan showed the same as 2 days prior, and he advised us that he would like the blood to be analysed for HCG levels. He was really good, he went through with us exactly what we were seeing on the screen. He said he would be uncomfortable with proceeding with the D&C until a second scan next week as she could have ovulated late, or anything.

After the blood samples were taken, we received the results later that day which read:
HCG = 9000 and Progesterone 18.4.

Im no medical expert, but when we miscarried last the HCG was very low (at 5 weeks) and was falling, I had never heard of Progesterone as it was never tested, maybe due to the low HCG level. However, from reading and researching, I understand that the HCG would be fine for 6 weeks. i cant seem to get a clear answer for progesterone levels, but the midwife didn't seem confident when we asked her what the results mean.

After the first MC, it has taken exactly 1year to conceive, and we are both finding it extremely difficult to focus on anything else.

We have an appointment next friday for bloods and another scan.

My wife is probably right, and thinks that we are waiting for the inevitable, however I feel that there could be some kind of hope / miracle.

I don't know what I am expecting from this post, but maybe someone out there has been in the same position as myself and my wife and can offer some hope.

All we want to do is love a child, and are unsure why this chance keeps getting taken away from us.

I take it that most people on here have experienced a miscarriage, we know how terrible this feels.
Hi there, I'm sorry I don't have any words of wisdom. I had hcg bloods to see them rise and early scans but they fitted with my dates. I've heard a lot of ladies having successful pregnancies after confusing scans.
How awful to have to go through all those discussions but I'm glad someone has questioned the dates. Good luck!
My god, I'm no expert but I can't believe they were just going to do a d&c straight away- looks like you got a good doctor in the end though. In this situation you need to feel like they know what theyre talking about and they need to answer all your questions fully. He's right that she may have ovulated late, or twice in a month, or had a chemical pregnancy one month then got pregnant later or anything, so there is still some hope, especially if she was stressed and ttc beacuse it makes our cycles strange. I'm afraid you will have a horrible wait to find out though. If the HCG levels match with the scan (and even these can vary) then that is a positive sign. They often cant find a heartbeat til after 6 weeks anyway.

I havent had a miscarriage but Ive been trying for a long time and I know how terrified I'd be in your situation, so be strong and try to keep things as normal as possible until your next scan (impossible i know). Really, really hope it is good new for you but if you need support there are loads of more knowledgable people than me here to help x
With my last miscarriage, it was actually diagnosed as a blighted ovum and sounds much like what you have seen at your scan. It's where the embryo fails to progress, but the body doesn't recognise it and continues the pregnancy. I had to have a number of blood tests and scans to confirm. My hcg levels continued to go up, but not at the rate they should have. After 3 weeks of getting my hopes up, then getting bad news they finally advised medical management.

Hope that's some help to you.
With my last miscarriage, it was actually diagnosed as a blighted ovum and sounds much like what you have seen at your scan. It's where the embryo fails to progress, but the body doesn't recognise it and continues the pregnancy. I had to have a number of blood tests and scans to confirm. My hcg levels continued to go up, but not at the rate they should have. After 3 weeks of getting my hopes up, then getting bad news they finally advised medical management.

Hope that's some help to you.
I don't think anyone knows whats going on at this stage, all I've is hope and faith so i guess that's all i can rely on until next Friday. Thanks for all your responses.
i got my hcg levels and scans done with my last misscarriage , i had 3 scans in total one at 5 weeks where they saw a sac then at 6 weeks they couldnt tell if there was a heartbeat or not so i waited a week( which was hell) but i got told it was 50/50 chance everything could be ok so there is still hope for you. i got the bad news at my next scan. i think sometimes you cant see a heartbeat that early on. thats so bad they were going to do a d&c you should complain about whoever said that. they have to scan you at least twice now to confirm things! good luck to u both i know how awful that wait is x
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Just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear you're both going through this, the uncertainty must be horrible. I have no wise words, I guess as mc's go mine was straight forward. A mmc, I had an early scan at just under 8wks and there was a clear heartbeat, scan at 10wks and there wasn't a heartbeat anymore.

Hoping for good things for you x
sorry to hear you are going through this. i am so glad your doctor didnt do that d+c without waiting a week! i went for a scan the other week and was told that i should be 9 weeks and a bit gone, when i got there they scanned me and there was a sack a yolk sack but no pole no fetus and no heartbeat, they told me to go away and expect to bleed in the week. i went back for another scan on the 27th and there was my little blob with a heartbeat. my dates were wrong. i am really hoping that you have a good outcome too, this wait will be awful and slow but please know your not alone and will get alot of support here either way. sending all the luck in the world your way xx
sorry to hear you are going through this. i am so glad your doctor didnt do that d+c without waiting a week!/QUOTE]

I guess that if the midwife got it completely wrong, it will have to be addressed on a later date as it's the last thing on our minds at the moment. Reading your post was very comforting to me, even though my wife says she has lost all the tenderness in her breasts, and doesn't feel pregnant any more, i try and reassure her that it's down to the experience we've had, and that she should try and feel positive until Friday as it won't do us or the baby any good. I try and tell her, there's been no blood, the dated could be wrong, and there is a yolk, fetal pole. I know it's hard for her, but id like to think, with stories like yours I can show her that there can still be a happy ending.

It does feel the odds are stacked against us sometimes though, especially with serious stuff like this.
i know how that feels, its so hard to try and be positive about something you want so bad incase its taken away from you. i was the same, my boyfriend was telling me to think positive and i just couldnt, i had it in my head id be leaving the hospital with bad news. also, pregnancy symptoms come and go, there are a few on here who have felt rough as anything one day and then nothing the next. it is worrying. if there is no blood that is a very good sign and the fact she has a yolk sack and fetal pole is a good sign too. i have everything crossed for you. between now and your next scan if you have any worries or anything just post here, the support you get is brilliant! ive had 2 losses myself i know its hard but try and keep your chin up. next week could bring you the best news! xx
Im so sorry for your previous loss and the fact that your going through all this emotional drama again. its so frustrating and depressing because all you want is a little bundle of joy in ur arms and its taking so long and every day is a battle full of worry and stress. i had a MMC in july after trying for a year n a half and it toaly devastated me. im now pregnant again and im spotting which is making me go crazy with worry.
i really hope u get ur miracle and that everything will be ok. the most important thing is to be there for eachother xXx
So my wife started spot bleeding last night. I guess that is that now. We are still going for the scan on fri, however not expecting to see anything joyfull. Thanks for all the support anf may all your hopes and dreams come true in 2014.
Hi there. Really sorry to hear this.
This is similar to what happened to me in October. It was my 3rd miscarriage in a row.
The baby should have been 7 weeks but was measuring six. I was told to wait a week, which I did and when we went back it was exactly the same. I opted for medical management.
I hope you're both doing ok. It's very hard but you will get through it xx
In most cases like yours it does end in a loss but there is that 1% that they missed something. It's rare but there is the occasional case where a woman refused a d&c and went on to have a healthy pregnancy. It is good to be 100% sure before going ahead. It sounds like you have a good and careful doctor that you can trust. If nothing else you have complete peace of mind that you didn't do anything too hastily. So sorry for what you are going through.
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good luck for tomorrow, i have everything i can possibly cross, crossed for you both xx

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