Worried over nothing?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I'm soooo worried and stressed out that I'm barely sleeping. I want to cry all the time. The reason being........we're having a boy! Let me explain-I am on cloud nine that he's a boy as my daughter is from a previous relationship and she'll always be my princess and (strange as it sounds) I was scared that a little girl would usurp her and my OH would prefer 'his' daughter to mine. My daughter calls my OH daddy as her dad has never been in her life (thank god) and they've bonded really well. So when the sonographer said 'boy' I couldn't stop smiling. Now I have one of each, I feel our family will be complete and I am so excited to meet my son that I can't stop grinning, except, that is, to cry. Because my OH already has a son from a horrific previous relationship. His ex slept around so he doesn't know if his son IS his son, he's never bonded with his son because his ex was so nasty and controlling when they split up and she used their child as a weapon (you can see him one week, can't the next etc). But now I'm really stressing out that he's disappointed that bubba is a boy, that he won't be as interested in him, that he won't bond with him. It's really getting to me. I know when we first concieved he was like 'i want a girl' and it's stuck with me. I just don't know what to do.
Oh hun, he'll love the baby even though it's a little boy!!
I would of liked a girl but I love the fact I'm having a little boy again :)
or he will see this as a new chance to have a little boy! Im worried that mine is a boy for the reason i know it would be more pressure on us both and it would cause arguments cuz of his religion. So even tho i would be just as happy for a boy, im really hoping its a girl..
Hun... This other slapper that I mentioned in a previous post had a girl back in April, we have a boy together already and my oh said that he'd love another boy and I wanted one too!! However when we had scan and it was a girl, I was really chuffed and So was oh and now he doesn't stop talking about her... I'm just gutted that she's not his first girl but on the other hand he already has a much stronger bond with her unlike slappers LO (poor bugger) coz he's been here throughout the whole thing and even though she's not here yet she is oh so very special, just wait til the day you have him and I bet there will be an instant bond you'll see ;) xx I hope all of that just made sense lol xxx :)
Its not the same situation really but my OH had his heart set on us having a girl, I think he was imagining Daddy's little princess. When we had our scan and found out it was a boy I could tell he was dissapointed. For about a week he was quite gutted but once he got his head round the idea he's absolutely fine. We've chosen a name and bought boys toys and clothes. He's so excited now, has totally fallen in love with the idea of having a son and talks about how hes a strong boy when he's kicking and how he's gonna be a heartbreaker, getting him his first car etc...

I guess some people find it hard when they've convinced themselves its one gender and it turns out another. But dont worry, youve still got lots of time to get him used to the idea and I bet he'll be such a Daddy's boy when he's born :hug:
Helen, this Boy he will spend time with right from the start and bond with, special bond between a boy and dad , so don't worry X
he will love his son no matter what, im sure he is grateful that at least its ok *hugs*

Congrats though :D

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