Friend is making me feel like a bad mum


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Hello Ladies my "friend" is making me feel like a bad mum because her 25 month ol daughter can talk in sentences, sing songs, count and is genuinely smart whereas my 26month old son doesnt talk, and apparently im to blame for him being slower than her daughter who is a month younger than my son,

my son likes to play on his own as well as playing with other kids but apparently according to my "friend" ive to spend all day everyday sitting with my son trying to teach him things which i have tried numerous times my son doesnt like sitting and trying to learn he would rather play, watch cbeebies etc,

im fed up with her making me out to be a bad mum because my son isnt as "intelligent" as her daughter.

That's awful, and she calls herself a 'friend'?! You're not a bad mum at all, all children develop differently and at different rates and not all children reach the milestones at the same time. I have a degree in early childhood development and this was one of my assignment topics! You could do everything possible (which you already are anyway) and it would still make no difference as your son will reach these milestones when he is ready! Sorry but she sounds like a bitch, let her know how much her comments have annoyed you :( xxxx
And congrats on your bfp :) xxxx
Dont let her make you feel like a bad mum!! All babies develop at their own pace! Im sure your LO is a happy and healthy little boy and thats all that matters he will start doing those things when he is good and ready!! xx
I was an early talker, walker etc.
My brother was completely the opposite.
And we have the same parents. All babies are different. She sounds like a competitive know-it-all stuck up erm...lady
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she is a competitive stuck up witch at times, ive told her that her comments hurt me she just says "chill man they werent meant in a bad way" when my LO was 6 months old we use to go to a mum and baby group and i couldnt make it one day as LO wasnt well and she went and told the people who ran the club that my LO wasnt going to sleep till midnight then had the guts to come up to my house with a list of things i hadnt to give my LO after 6pm xx
She sounds like a nasty lady :( maybe best to avoid her for a while if she knows she's upsetting you but continues to do so? Xxxx
I would avoid her like plague. Who is she to tell you how to raise your child?

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this same person said my friends wee boy who is mixed race would look pathetic with a piercing in one ear, she annoys a few people yet when someone pulls her up she acts like everything she has said was a joke, i got married in celtic park in january a small wedding 23 people in total and she said that was cheap she would have to have hundreds of people there with the big dress etc, i never had a party for my sons 1st or 2nd birthday as he didnt have friends/relatives his age then and she said i had to have a party to make sure my son got spoiled because apparently i must not do a good enough job xxx
I wouldnt listen to her.
She sounds like a 'miss know it all'. You bring your son up the way you want to, sounds like your both doing fab. LO's all develop differently and at different times. There will be things your son can do that her daughter cant (though she'll not want to admit that!)

My son is the same, he hates sitting down learning. He's much rather be playing and using his imagination than learning his ABC's. x
charliebear my son learned to crawl first, stand up first and got his teeth first shes so competitive its unreal, her LO is 25 months and has 9/10 teeth wheras my son has nearly a full mouth of teeth but i dont rub things into her like that xxx
Boys learn differently to girls, doesn't make you a bad parent! They'll do it at their own pace! As he gets older you'll be amazed at what he's picked up without you realising it.
my LO can say things like "all done" "mum" "dad" "bob(for spongebob)" "uh oh" "sit" "yes" "no" but because he doesnt say things when told to say them apparently hes not as clever people can mess with me all the wont but they dont bitch about my kids xx
Why are you friends with her, she sound horrible! All children develop at different speeds. I would avoid her or give her a piece of your mind! Xxx
Hey, my little boy is the same age as urs! He was born 3 march? He doesnt say as many words as urs lol! I have 2 little boys, both didnt/havent talked very early, but wen my eldest got 2 bout 2 and a half, he really started chatting! I seriously would not worry bout ur lo development! HE'S A BOY!!! They are far 2 active and energetic to be madse to sit and learn the way girls just enjoy to, it will all come in time. Unfortunatley, u will meet people like ur friend along the way as ur mixing with other mums, its hard to not let them get to u sometimes, but maybe she has her own issues that she feels the need to constantly run her daughter up and ur son down?
But 2 b honest, if i was u, i wld keep her at arms length! Who needs someone like that in there life? Especially wen u pg xxx Congrats ! :)
You don't need frenemies like that in your life hun. Cut her out and focus on your lovely wee boy xxx
thanks girls ive cut all contact with her xx

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