Worried it will affect the baby...


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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I work as a cleaner at the local college its only 3 hours early mornings.

I mop floors...do toilets.

Im really bothered about the mopping as it is large floor space and breaks my back and my

back is sore anyways. A new firm took over recently...and they are putting more and more

work on us to get finished. Ive told my supervisor im pregnant because i told him i wasent

bending over and getting right under things which he said was ok.

now he is going to give me extra work off someone else...knowing im pregnant and i had

a misscarriage not so long ago!!

Im worried all the work will cause it to happen again...am i just over-reacting?

I mean its hard work...the sweat drips off me (tmi lol) am i pushing myself to hard?

should i pack in? id rather have my baby any day than that job...its really getting me down

now i dread going...:( any advice sorry for going on.xxx
Not sure what to suggest hun but didn't want to read and run - perhaps you could talk to your employer and explain how you are feeling before making any decisions x
i know i should but we dont see the actual employers we go through the supervisor and he is useless, most 2 faced man ive ever met x
aww honey i feel for you, one of my jobs is in a restaurant so i have mop every morning and night too and in involves a lot of lifting etc as i work front of house, in kitchen...,. bit of everything really - and 45 hours a week which is soooo tiring! .

If you have told them youre pregnant - by law they should have done a risk assessment? if they havent done this then ask for it. It gives you a chance to voice your concerns properly. xx
I dont even know what a risk assesment is lol. do you think i should see my supervisor? even though he probably wont do anything as he tends to "forget" everything you say xx
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if he doesnt do a risk assessment then go to citizens advice because they can get in trouble for it!! its basically a formal document that assesses the risk for you in your situation. They have to do one when youre pregnant to establish what you shouldnt be doing etc etc and you get a say in it too x
That sounds good! ill ask him first thing...if not monday when he puts the extra work on me :( x
:) let him know you know what youre talking about! he should have done all about risk assessments in his training and should have a template for them. Good luck! x
Thanks hun i will, just worried everyone will think im just exaggerating xx
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Also, maybe you could put it in writing that your are pg? Nothing to formal, just a note saying something like

Dear 'whoever'
As my employer, I would like to let you know that I am X weeks pregnant and my due date is XXXXX. If you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss how my situation may affect the work I am able to carry out, or any other matter arising from my pregnancy, please do not hesitate to contact me on XXXXXXXX. I look forward to speaking with you.

I hve a sneaky feeling that you are obliged to inform employers in writing anyway.. of any medical condition that may affect your work? Not 100% on that, though. And also if your employer has it in writing, and you keep a dated copy of letter.. if they do 'forget' to do anything, you have a little bit of evidence that you did the right thing :D xxx
I agree with Fallingstar, a risk assessment needs to be done with your capabilities of what you can do safely whilst pregnant and not putting either of you at a higher risk. If you put it down on paper they have to take action x
Copy and paste all you want! As I said I'm not too sure if it's an absolute necessity to inform employers in writing... but having worked in recruitment previously and having a bit of a clue about employment law... I know for sure that anything in writing gets way more attention than if you just have a quick chat ;) xxx
with my last pregnancy I worked in a wine company as a warehouse administrator but alot of the times I helped the guys pick and pack the wine whic meant climbing ladders to get the wine from and then filling the boxes of 12 or 24 bottles and carrying them to pallet. I done me no harm except I was bloddy tired lol

I worked for HR for a year and if you get a note from doctor to say that you are not fit for work then give it to the manager then he has to give you time off or give you another task, whether you get paid for being off is your own companies policy, good luck xx
if you are not comfortable doing it then say so, but what doctor told me when my job was a dancer that nothing i can do that my body is used to can make me miscarry, i explained i was doing somersaults in the show and pair work so alot of lifts and my 1st 2 were fine, i only miscarried when i wasn't working anymore. so do think sometimes its not what you do, i actually forgot i was pregnant 2 weeks ago and my car broke down and i helped my brother push it off the drive and onto the road so he could jump it, i think thats taking things a bit far but luckily enough everything is fine, i just forgot how daft can you get.
I work a yard of 10 horses 3 hours a morning, and work full time in a gym and although I felt lousy with some pretty evil symptoms it didn't stop me, mucking out 10 horses is bloody hard work! I just stuck to all my normal ways of life, still rising my horses still doing everything I did before. Don't want to wrap myself in a bubble just because I'm pregnant. Baby will be out on the yard as soon as possible too, just my way of doing things!

As for your employers, it's good to tell them early on as they by law have to write a risk assessment for you, and the tasks they believe are unacceptable for pregnant people will be ruled out. As long as your careful in what you do, you will be fine.
So am i over reacting as i have just phoned over my supervisors head and waiting for a call back. Im going to tell her how he is putting someone elses work on me...i do feel i am overreacting...

my mam just said i should definatley tell her as he knows about previous mc x
I think fallingstar is right. I read you have to inform them in writing. But make a copy, and send it to more than one person if possible. They do have to do a risk assessment immediately after getting your letter. I would ring citizens advice first and find out what else you are entitled to. Some women take weeks off in the first 12 weeks with a docs note, due to bad morning sickness. You may be entitled to do the same. Definitely find out your rights in relation to your contract. At the end of the day, the job isn't with risking the baby for. Good luck Hun. Xx
Nope your right it isnt worth risking the baby for...ill let you know what she says x

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