Worried - Growth Scan @ 30 + 3


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2005
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I went to the midwife today and she measured me. I have been 26cms for the past two three times I have been and now she wants to send me for a growth scan. The baby moves all the time. I measured the bump when I was stood up and it was actually 31cms but was smaller when I was led down as your stomach does when you are led down. I am a bit worried to why they think it hasn't grown. Has anyone else had this!????????? I am 31 weeks Monday.

Em xxxxxxxxx
hi hun

im not sure on this atall but wanted to post smething to try to put your mind at ease.

maybe it has something to do with the fluid? i know with my son i was huge and the midwifes thought i was having a 10lb baby, but it turnt out that he was 7bl and i was fill to t he brim with fliud, thats why i looked so big.

so maybe its the other way round with you, maybe you have hardly any fliud and its all baby in there which is why they think you are small.

hope everything goes ok, let us know

I have TOTALLY been in this situation before.

With my son I had to have extra scans and was told if he hadn't grown enough when I went back 2 weeks later I would have to be induced to have him early (about 35 weeks)
It really freaked me out, I worried about it day and night for 2 weeks, then when I went back for the final scan the measurements were fine and when he was born he was 8lb 6oz!!

My bump this time is the same, neat, smallish, but I am not going to worry about it.

I think sometimes they midwives can say stuff to you and not realise how much you worry about it and take it to heart. Relax, I'm sure everything will be fine, the baby could be low inside your pelvis too...tucked away, so really, try not to worry.
Awwww, thanks. They say not to worry but like you're not going to!

My friends hubby also said about the fluid thing as well. This coming from a cider swilling hard rock lover mechanic :) seems he knows his stuff :)

I'll let you know how it all goes when I get the scan date through. Thanks you two :)

Love E xxxxxxxx
I have hired a private midwife. When I went to see her last week, she told me that the Fundal Height really did depend on how the baby was lying. If your baby is lying in posterior position - it's inevitable that the fundal height will be lower!
Good luck and don't worry - these things work out and enjoy your little bunny bopping about in there!!!!
Emilia xx :D

I've been 2 cms behind the past two times (I'm currently 37 weeks) I've been to the midwife but they've not done anything about it (to be honest, last time I saw the GP and the time before I saw a junior midwife) so I'm not seeing my usual midwife until next Thursday. My baby isn't moving too much so I think a growth scan would be a good idea but nothing has been mentioned. I think it would put my mind at rest so I'll just have to see if I've had a growth spurt by the time my next appointment happens...

I think it's pretty common though so I'm not too worried. Hope you're not worrying either.

Cheers honeys, she is pretty active so there's nothing to worry about there. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks a mil for putting my mind at ease. xxxxx
Hiya Emma,
I am currently wondering the same thing as you. So far every time thaey have measured the fundal height it has been spot on, i.e at 28w it was 28cm, at 30w it was 30cm etc etc . . .
However yesterday I had a home visit from midwife and she was having a really good feel about, found the head is engaged (yeay) but she commented that it was a small baby. I noticed after she left that the fundal height was only 35cm when I am 38weeks, so its left me a bit concerned that bub has stopped growing! The midwife didnt seem concerned so Im trying not to worry about it as bub is certainly still really active. But I do have another appointmnet booked for next wednesday so I think I will ask more about it then. I think though to be honest growth in the last few weeks slows right down as baby is more just putting on weight instead. And hey I don't mind having a small baby, less chance of having to push out a big head!

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