Growth Chart in green books.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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When I was measured at 28weeks, I measured 1 week ahead. When I went at 31weeks I was measured again but the MW never wrote it in my book. However when I got taken to hospital Friday and they measured me yesterday I was 2weeks behind. Got to have a scan hopefully tomorrow, but in 5and a half weeks LO has only grown about 3 weeks :(
Could it be how he is lying or something or generally the fact he has slowed down on growth??
some of the measurements change if its different people who are doing them. I had scans right at the beginnig 48 hours apart and the difference in some of the measurements was a good few days - which at 12 weeks was a lot.

But if you first person measured you a wee bit longer, and the next person measured you a bit behind - that would make the growth shorter at both ends iykwim,. xxx
I think I follow on,, maybe I had a full bladder at first one also :s
I just confussed as whenever I have had a scan all the measurements have been ahead,, all will be reveiled at my next scan I guess. x
The measurements don't always reflect how much baby has grown. I'm measuring right on, but by ultrasound I am 2 weeks ahead. My friend was measuring 6 weeks behind when she had her baby and he was born average size. He was just all curled up and squished in there :) i am sure all is fine with your LO. If they are worried they will send you for a scan. xx
I have a scan tomorrow hopefully :) x
It could be allsorts i know that i have been measuring about three weeks ahead and at the growth scan it is a big baby about three weeks ahead but last appointment the baby has become engaged and i only measured a week ahead so it could be just the way the baby is laying xx
They never fill mine in!!! They measure me but never bother writing anything in my green booklet thingy ma jig! Infact looking at it, they have marked my growth once... Never bothered since! x
Typical, I thought they were meant to keep checks on us, lol.
My normal midwife wrote in it first then the step in one never did + the hospital one did yesterday x
I wouldn't worry. I was small then baby had massive growth spurt and measured 2 and a half weeks ahead. Now only measuring half a week ahead. :) xx

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