worried about weight gain


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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Hope this dont come across as a silly concern , but I'm constantly worried about my weight, before I got prehnant I worked really hard with a personal trainer to lose weight etc, now I've stopped going to gym and I eat ok not too helthy sometimes, but really worried about this pregnancy will make me big. I know I'm supposed to gain weight, midwife did my bmi and it was 22...
Do you try to eat healthy ? i crave burgers and beef all time and cheese ...

Got upset now as my oh was joking showed me a pic on google called real life barbie, a slim tanned busty blonde woman and said maybe I could look like that, I asked if he think she looked good and he said yes but after that he was joking, i just thought that was so mean of him,I'm just getting bigger and find it hard... :(
Try not to worry too much, your midwife will tell you if you're gaining too much weight, but it's inevitable that you will gain weight and be a bit bigger after LO's born... But, if you do eat healthily and do some gentle exercise it should be a manageable amount that you will easily be able to work off at the end :) xx
i totaly agree with heppibean, you will put on weight but if your eating relativly healthy then you probs wont put on to much! dont forget that you have to not only carry the weight of the baby, but also the placenta . . . ect theres a thread on here somewhere that says about it! really try not to let to get to you though! also if your planning to breast feed, it can burn up to 500 kcal a day :) xxx
Didn't know breastfeeding helped you burn weight! That's gonna help a lot :D xx
tell me about it!!! helps you and helps baby! theres loads of hidden benifits to breast feeding :) xxx
Don't worry yourself Hun, plenty of people worry about their weight in pregnancy, but all you should focus on is being healthy ;)

And maybe have a word with your other half and tell him how you feel and say it would help to have a few compliments etc
Hi, I am not worrying about my weight until after baby comes and I have always had weight issues, but I am too tired to be worrying; your bound to get bigger hun because your pregnant xx
i know how you feel. I seemed to put on loads of weight really quickly and feel huge now. I know that i need weight gain and am ok about it in the places that baby is but still freak out a bit about getting fatter arms and face!!!!! Think lots of my weight gain is my huge boobs though LOL went from no boobs to monsters that must be at least a stone each!

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