Weight gain


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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I know its not the most important thing but i was jsut wondering what the average weight gain in pregnancy is and wehn we put on most of our weight? I have now put on almost a stone and i have 15 weeks left. i think someone said most of the weight gain is at the end?
i think someone said most of the weight gain is at the end?
I put on 2 stone last time, and most of that was in the first 18 weeks - I ate through the nausea but then I didn't really put much weight after the nausea ceased! But the biggest shock was once I'd had Maddie I only lost about half a stone - it took 6-9 months to truly shift all of the extra weight!

This time I'm 14 weeks and have only put on about 1-2 lbs :shock: . I've had no nausea but am amazed at how different pregnancies are!

I've heard that an average sized woman will put on around about 2-2.5 stone but so much depends on other factors such as how much water you're retaining, how much fluid is in the embrionic sac etc.......!

i read u should gain 25-30 pounds, but 10 pouns less if u were overweight b4. up to 6 pounds in tri 1 is normal (altho some women lose weight due to :puke: ), then a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy. heres a link to where i got htis info to read more about it:

http://www.pregnancy-info.net/pregnancy ... _gain.html
Thanks girls, I was starting to worry as I'd but on 7lbs in the first tri (couldn't stop eating & it stopped me feeling sick).

Just praying I don't end up with a backside the size of a bus that I can't shift after :wall:

so far I've put on 3 kg which is about 6.5lb?

In my first pg with twinnies I put on 4 stone! :shock:

Won't do that again, i hope! Took too long to get off :D
I've put on 22lb already and i'm only 22 weeks :oops:
My midwife said its because I was a underweight when I got pregnant though so i'm not worried yet
I can't helping thinking though how much i'll end up putting on at the end if I keep gaining weight like I am :shock:
Thx for the link I haven't gained anything due to :puke: ..do you think I should be concerned?
last pregnancy i put on about 2 and a half - 3 stone :oops: and never lost it before this pregnancy so was dreading how much i would put on this time but thank god ive not put any on at all so far :pray: xxx

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