Worried about baby birth weight!!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I'm so worried about my babies possible birth weight. I'm nearly 35 weeks and this is my third pregnancy, but this bump I have is so so small even more so when I compare it to my previous two. I never have large babies anyway so I'm not expecting a big baby. On my last antenatal the midwife did say my bump was small, The GP has cancelled my 34week check up so I will see the midwife next for my 36 week check. I'm only little myself but normally I gain an extra 2 stone when pregnant this time round I've only gained about 6 to 7lbs. Which I know was due to all my vomitting.

My 20week scan was normal and there have been no concerns, but its just hard to believe this bump size at 34weeks!!
They say that every pregnancy is different! But if you are really worried, than maybe contact your doctor before your mw app?? It's not good to go around worrying!!!

I was hoping to see the doctor but than they cancelled and because they only hold antenatal appointments on thursday, I thought whats the point I'll see the midwife a fews days after anyway. I am concerned and will express them to the midwife and hopefully I can have my mind put at ease. Plus i suppose its still a little early. Thanks for your advice hun it just makes you feel better sharing your concerns at times x
hey hun this is my 3rd pregnancy too and i have always carried small to the point of having growth scans to check babies still growing etc i posted a pic yesterday of my 32 week bump!!

my 2nd child i only gained 2lb the whole way through and he weighed 7lb 10oz on dd so not to wrry to much xx
Everyone seems to make a point of telling me my bump is small, even though it's measuring right. Well they wouldn't want it on the end of their nose as a wart! I mentioned it to the gp and he said my bump's fine, every woman carries differently, some out front, some deep in the pelvis etc. Now they can feel baby through the bump if they haven't mentioned anything then try not to worry too much hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies, I think when other people point out how small your bump is it makes you a bit more worried. 7lbs 10oz baby and only putting on 2lbs wow so it is possible then. I'll wait to see what the mw says next week then, I did consider a private scan but can't really afford it at the moment to be honest.
have a look at my avatar pic i was 34 weeks there, everyone says i look small but babys never measured small!!! everyone hides and holds baby differently xxxxx
my bump always measures small as well as looking small had done with previous two and this one!! mw reckons that my chart wants me to have an 8lb plus baby for my height, ethnicity etc, but reckons i will have another 7lb plus baby instead which im quite happy with as i think it is average weight :) not too big, and not too small lol

im sure all is fine with ur bump, and sometimes people envy how little weight you have put on :) but in my eyes thats better the less you gain, the less you have to lose after

keep us updated on what mw says xxx

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