Worried about baby after trying formula


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2014
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I've tried to give my baby formula in a bottle to get her off breastfeeding, however, around her mouth has gone red. Is this normal? Is she allergic? Should I be really worried?
Hi lizzimay, I dont know what the signs of allergies are but would say eliminate the obvious things first - was the bottle too hot? In comparison to breastfeeding I guess its something they adapt to but perhaps thats the first thing to eliminate, I dont warm our formula to the accurate ozes it states as our lil miss likes room temp or a little bit warmer so if heating 7oz bottle will set to 3oz from fridge...otherwise not sure what to suggest, does it appear to be causing her discomfort? I would see if another brand of formula helps or even another bottle type as she may have allergies to the type of plastic but I wouldnt get too worried, just try doing exactly the same again and see if goes red/remains red from before/gets worse then perhaps seek advice...if you have any other formula brands/bottle brands in the house then perhaps try those....hope this helps...
She seems perfectly fine and was smiling. I checked the milk and it was pretty much room temperature so don't think it was too hot.
I've been really put off trying formula again, might just try expressing milk instead!
Could be abit of cows milk allergy. Let it settle and try again in a few days time - if same happens i would stay off formula and when you come to weaning - avoid cows milk Intially and monitor when you introduce
Luckily the redness has completely gone after about half an hour, I think I may just have to avoid formula for now and maybe try it again in the future!
What bex said. My niece has a similar reaction to anything with a Trace of cows milk. I would do as she advised and try again in a few days. If it happens again go see the doc & they can prescribe a suitable formula

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