Worried about another MMC


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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I know symptoms come and go over the first trimester, so sore breasts disappearing a few days ago on its own I could probably cope with.

Last night was the first night in a while I didn't feel the need to get up & go to the loo.

Most worryingly, when I was in hospital, they took my temperature (with difficulty) a couple of times and it was 36.5 degrees.

I haven't done BBT tracking for a long time, but that was always my pre-ovulation temperature.

I've had some weird orange discharge appearing a few times over the last few days (pale orange through to bright orange, but not dark as yet) and I remember the first sign of my MMC was a strange orange spot in my underwear.

I'm taking progesterone suppositories which for all I know could keep the 'pregnancy' going artificially.

Argh! Does anyone have any hope or advice for me?!

I'm still feeling a little unwell - pulse is at 91 sitting in this chair, and it's been elevated for almost 4 weeks now.
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I know you have your scan soon (next weekend?)

In the meantime do you think you GP would do some bloods to check your hCG?

You'd need two lots of blood tests, 48 hours apart?

I have no stat's to support this BUT I think MMC are pretty rare? (I am not sure why I think this? BUT there is a reason lol)

I know it's an awfully worrying time when you have had the trauma of losses.

All you can do is try and keep yourself calm and keep healthy (eat well, rest)

Hi Nat, thanks for replying.

Yes, my scan is on Friday.

I have had/have so many medical appointments recently that I think work will be irritated if I take any more time off for them, plus the grumpy old man GP I would probably get is pretty unhelpful.

I will just have to tough it out for 5 days, and hope that it was just me sleeping with my mouth open that gave a bad temperature reading.

(The nurse was all jolly, saying 36.5 deg "is normal" (i.e. for a normal person) ... a bit like I was told a couple of years ago that my 120/80 BP was "healthy enough to run the marathon", when a couple of weeks before it had been 96/60 - that should have been a red alert but I missed it then)
I know exactly where you're coming from hun, Ive had a 10 wk scan and I'm still convinced something has happened in between then and now. Got my 13 wk scan on Tuesday, fingers crossed! There's nothing I can do I suppose except take comfort in the fact everything's been different this time. I do suggest having an early private scan, put my mind to rest for 5 minutes anyway! Xx
Hi, don't know if anyone has any advice for me.

I'm currently on my fourth pregnancy having had 3 miscarriages. The first one I was 11+5 ( had seen the heartbeat at 9+2) the second one I was 10+2 (seen the heartbeat at 7+3) and the third was caused due to anaesthetic during an operation (this was only early days and didn't know I was pregnant). I'm pregnant again 12 weeks today. I had a scan last week at 11 weeks but can't help but worry that something has gone wrong in the past week
Hi stacyi

Sorry to hear about your losses.

I think you're getting to the stage where you could hire an ultrasound device and listen to your baby's heartbeat (I think it's about the end of first/start of second trimester this becomes possible) - maybe this will provide you with some reassurance - hope everything's okay

Cazzie - hope everything goes well with your scan today xx
Hi, I bought a foetal Doppler without success. However i managed to pay for a scan today and baby is fine ��
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Stayci - great news! This is the furthest along you've been now so the odds are it's a keeper :) hope everything works out okay!


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