Work :(


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2012
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Hi girls. Anyone else feeling really stressed with work!? I am a full time nanny, 52 hours a week and since being pregnant have reduced and come off my citalopram! I was okay at first but now feel very sad and dont want to be at work! Of course i act fine at work but inside im crying out and want to crawl into bed! Sorry if this all spunds dramatic but just need a bit of friendly chat. :( tried to get a docs appointment but stupid surgery is booked up!!
Thought about chatting to my employers, but dont want to let them down! Only got 4 weeks left with one family then i am finished with them for good but 4 weeks seems forever! :(
Sorry for the long rant. Xxx
Aww keep your chin up love. I can imagine its exhausting working with kids at the best of times and while your pregnant it's even worse. I don't want to go to work either do your not alone in that respect. Just tell your Drs it's important you speak to someone or at least book in for an appt then you know you'll be speaking to someone. Try to keep your chin up Hun and 4 weeks will go quick enough if your kept busy.
Thanks for replying jem. i know 4 weeks is nothing is it...just trying to plough through. I will def go and see the doctor. Im due on 8th january so not too long before u! :) xxxx
Hey works hard for me right now too. I've been off sick since last Thursday been feeling rotten. Rang my boss she said 'o I'll just put morning sickness down then" felt like crying the last few days have been horrendous also had an infected wisdom tooth so feeling very sorry for myself, hate that work think this is nothing and I'm just skiving. :( bloody work!!!
Works hard for me because they have put me on restricted duties and I miss my job. I desperately want to be on the streets and doing something interesting (I'm a police officer). It doesn't help in that I feel normal and not ill.

I guess we all have our different issues at work x
For me the fact that I feel like I'm about to fall asleep at any moment is stressing me out at work I can't concentrate and so I'm making silly little mistakes which worries me as I'm still in my probation period and can't afford to lose this money right now! Also I can't tell them I'm pregnant till after my probation has finished just incase they make some silly excuse to get rid of me! Also I don't know if I'm entitled to any maternity pay . All these things add up so I guess being and pregnant was always going to be stressfull no matter who you are or what you do. I just keep thinking I only have to do this untill December/January and once baby is here I hopefully won't have to work again ( provided oh gets the promotion he's going for ) its my little glimmer of hope to hold onto so I think as long as you have something to look forward to you will be fine !
I know i was signed off last week as morning sickness was horrible!! And i feel like a bit of a fraud. :/ must be horrible for u being a police officer and being stuck doing something else. :( xxx
I know i was signed off last week as morning sickness was horrible!! And i feel like a bit of a fraud. :/ must be horrible for u being a police officer and being stuck doing something else. :( xxx

I hate it!

I miss working With my team and generally just being busy. I'm very career minded so this is hell

I'm sorry I sound so ungrateful. I'm not. It's just a tough time at the moment in so many ways x
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For me the fact that I feel like I'm about to fall asleep at any moment is stressing me out at work I can't concentrate and so I'm making silly little mistakes which worries me as I'm still in my probation period and can't afford to lose this money right now! Also I can't tell them I'm pregnant till after my probation has finished just incase they make some silly excuse to get rid of me! Also I don't know if I'm entitled to any maternity pay . All these things add up so I guess being and pregnant was always going to be stressfull no matter who you are or what you do. I just keep thinking I only have to do this untill December/January and once baby is here I hopefully won't have to work again ( provided oh gets the promotion he's going for ) its my little glimmer of hope to hold onto so I think as long as you have something to look forward to you will be fine !

Poor u, fingers crossed u get through the probation period. I dont know if anyone else feels like they just want to sit at home at least until uv had 12 week scan...iv got 2 weeks until mine! Sure they will whizz by! I know i have 4 weeks left at this job then down to 22 hours which will be heaven! Lol. I shouldnt moan but when u feel a bit low everything seems worse doeant it!? Xx
I know i was signed off last week as morning sickness was horrible!! And i feel like a bit of a fraud. :/ must be horrible for u being a police officer and being stuck doing something else. :( xxx

I hate it!

I miss working With my team and generally just being busy. I'm very career minded so this is hell

I'm sorry I sound so ungrateful. I'm not. It's just a tough time at the moment in so many ways x

You dont sound ungrateful...if anything i lucky to have a job its just it gets to you doeant it!? :( i bet see im the opposite i enjoy being a nanny but work more because i have You are due 3 days after me, as long as scan keeps it that way. Have u got ur scan date through yet!? :) xx
same ladies, hope everyone feels better soon, whatever their situation xxx
Oh ladies I feel all ur pain. Since friday I have been sick and felt awful and I call in sick at work on sat I felt that bad but I havent told them yet as I want to wait for my appointment on the 18th to make sure all seems weems well. I am a carer so need to tell them soon as its very stressful. I only work 2nights a weeks so I dont know whats it like working 5days a week but 22hour aw week near kills me .
Oh ladies I feel all ur pain. Since friday I have been sick and felt awful and I call in sick at work on sat I felt that bad but I havent told them yet as I want to wait for my appointment on the 18th to make sure all seems weems well. I am a carer so need to tell them soon as its very stressful. I only work 2nights a weeks so I dont know whats it like working 5days a week but 22hour aw week near kills me .

Bless you. Definitely as a carer you need to tell them soon but obviously understnad why ur waiting!! Not long now! :) i used to do a 22 hour week before getting my second job and its a breeze compared to!! Although i know how u feel 22 still kills me. Xxx
I'm finding it hard at work too..working 8-6 everyday in an office with 7 men and none knowing that I'm pregnant so I need to keep it all to my self when I'm feeling really rough and not wanting to be there :'(( x
Thanks for replying jem. i know 4 weeks is nothing is it...just trying to plough through. I will def go and see the doctor. Im due on 8th january so not too long before u! :) xxxx

That's it just keep yourself busy and it'll fly by! I'd love to work 22 hours means I could sleep more but except from being put on restricted duties my shift work is the same and it's exhausting! I work in a prison so used to being more hands on than sat on my bum! But I'd complain either way! Yeah there is only a few weeks between us, fingers crossed we will follow each other through the trimesters! Hope your feeling better anyway hun. Xxx

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