Telling people you work with....


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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When did you tell people you work with you were pregnant? I dont mean your employer just the people you work with day to day?
Iv told my friend at work but havnt told any one else and i told her i dont want any one else to know right now. Im going to tell my manager as soon as iv seen my midwife (hopefully next week) but im not sure when im going to tell other people. Should i wait? :?
Hi Jenna,

I told my boss fairly soon after I found out as I had a previous ectopic so needed a few appointments early on. I haven't told anyone else at work but I'm sure they're all gossiping because I never have time off normally and my partner works in the same place so they're kinda starting to put two and two together. I'm thinking I may tell my close workmates soon as if anything did go wrong I think I'd prefer it if they knew - there are two other pregnant women at work at the moment also and it would be nice to discuss things with them.

I guess it's up to you, when you feel the time's right but I don't think it's wrong to tell a few people before the 12 weeks - esp if you're having obvious symptoms and need time off etc
I only work with three people one being the boss, I told my boss as soon as I could!!!
Then the girl I work with guessed, so I had to tell the other lad as I didn't want him to find out everyone esle knew.
If i worked in a big office I think I would be tempted to wait until my scan!!!
First off I intended to tell only one person at work before 12 weeks as she is pregnant herself and it's helpful to swap notes! However, my irritating colleague asked me outright how my TTC was going and as I feel it's wrong to lie about it (owing to superstition that I'll lose the baby as a result or am somehow denying his existence) I had to tell her. Most annoying as I know I'll get 20 questions a day now!

I don't plan to tell my managers until after my 12 week scan, though. I don't think you're obliged to tell them until 14 weeks, if I remember correctly.
I work on a team with about 25 people and if some one finds out every one will know. I doubt any one is interested but i just worry about little bean especially when im carrying things about. :? should i be doing lifting??
I would just tell your boss. Mine has been fantastic and said I can work from home if I feel sick etc and I had a rotten day monday so when I didn't go into work he was most understanding!!!
You dont have to tell anyone, but you should be careful with what you lift!!!
Well I told my work/boss on Monday last week and by Wednesday I didn't have a job as they made me redundant, saying that they didn't require my services anymore. :evil: :evil: :evil: Unfortunately it works like here and I can't prove anything and unless they replace me in the next 6 months, I can't sue either

The day I left I told everyone as it didn't seem to be much of an issue any longer on who knew. But since then another girl from work called to see how I was and told me that she was also pregnant, and now she's too scared to breath a word, which isn't very good for her state of mind.

In the UK I know you are not obliged to tell your work that you are pregnant until you are 12 weeks but gossip travels fast and if you tell one person you might find that in a few days that the whole place knows :shhh: So make sure you trust anyone you tell...but always tell your boss first...I don't suppose he/she would be very happy to hear of your pregnancy through the grapevine.
I know my friend at work wouldnt tell any one. Shes a right star :D after her my manager would be the 2nd person to find out. I was wondering wether to just say i dont want any one else to know until *12 weeks maybe* or just let people know. Im getting more and more concerned about the lifting thing. I have to take some things round the corner every hour on the hour and they can be really heavy at times. It was fine before but im so tired and dizzy im worried i'll do too much. Im sure if my manager knew about the pregnancy i could get away with not doing it.
I told my parents straight away at 4 weeks........
My work mates & manager at 6 weeks.........
Mother-in-law at 13 weeks...........
My Family and all friends at 14 weeks...........
Inlaws at 15 weeks...........
Neighbours Today..........
I told my manager last week, because I had missed a couple days work because I was feeling so bad. She said she had a feeling I was and had tears in her eyes! She was really nice about it and told me to take as much time off as I needed, etc. I'm not planning on telling anyone else until after my 12 week scan. I told my family right away, but for some reason I want to keep ot to myself.
We'll to be honest I'm quite lucky (and also quite unlucky) because my boss and his wife are close friends of me and my husband and also temporarily our land lords :shock:

When I found out I told my husband and one very trusted family friend within the first few hours. About 2 days later my hubby told me he'd mentioned it to my 'boss' so I made sure I rang his wife (my best mate) to let her know as well so she didn't get offended if she found out only her hubby knew :wink: She was really happy for me though and asked if it was a which I was taken a little off guard and said I wasn't really thinking of telling everybody but no it wasn't a secret or anything :think:

I told my little brother and then my parents all with in a week of finding out but so far as I know no other family memembers know about it yet.
Turns out my best mate told all our mutual friends though :roll: They live too far for me to visit often but they're nice people.

I didn't want the people at work to know though until it was really obvious or until I was about to leave but I had obvious signs of sickness and one day when my boss was in inspecting everything (cause I'm the manager and he's the owner so he's not in everyday) and I was quite sick and he turned round in front of another member of staff and laughed at me saying "who on earth made you pregnant?".....and you should have seen the expression on her face :rotfl: She was pleased though but I had to tell all the other work collegues after that.

TBH now I kind of wish I had kept it to myself longer though because I've had discharge this week and felt really weak and hopefully everything will be fine (scan will tell me on fri and I feel really streatched and fat today) but if anything was to go wrong, now or later, then there's ALL those people I'm going to have to tell. I'm not confident enough to do that...makes me feel :puke:
sorry to jump into 1st tri thread!

i told my boss the same day i found out as i was so shocked i asked to come in late, to sort myself out. that was about 6 weeks.

he told personnel and the department head but they were really good about it and didn't tell anyone.

i told everyone else the day after my 1st scan. id had a miscarraige before, so i wanted to wait until 12 weeks until i told anyone. the worst feeling would be telling people i dont speak to much anyway, that im not pregnant anymore.


I told only one friend at work, then I was bleeding and had to go home one day so told personnell mgr, but she hasnt told anyone. Other than that I am waiting until after my next scan.

Jenna you should be careful lifting, if you are concerned about it I would tell your manager (in confiednce if you like) they have to get an assessment carried out if their is any part of your job putting you or baby at risk. They cant do this unless they know, but once they know the owness is on them to protect you!!! I know this cause I work in Occ Health.

Take Care
i told some but i told the manageress first and happened to be a supervisor there which that way word gets round lol so i didnt have to tell many :dance: :cheer:

just tell them if u dont want toehrs to know tell them to not say nowt :)

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