Work trying to tell me I can't go to my midwife appointment today

I have no time for a break :(

You're legally entitled to attend all your antenatal appointments without any kind of discussion with your employer and employers must legally provide somewhere for you to rest when you're pregnant.

Your employer sounds like a total idiot, but please don't let them get you so stressed out. Your health and your baby's health are worth so much more than he is.
It's all of them! One is convinced ill be back in an hour cos it Only takes 20 minutes! Which it bloody well does not! I have a tack booked at 12.30 and they're saying i can't leave until cover arrives but he said he could be as late as 12:45 :( but I won't make it if it 12:45

It sounds as if he is trying to make your life difficult. Just mutter industrial tribunal and constructive dismissal under your breath a few times.
There is no rest room just to rest where the clients are which is stressful... Unless j want to go outside where people smoke :( I feel trapped like there's nothing I can do without them treating me even worse
What kind of office do you work in? If you don't mind me asking.... they don't seem too clued up on health and safety at work etc. Could be worth a visit to HR?
Oh my life!! I can't even believe he'd have the cheek to say that!!!

Good for you for standing up to him. I work in a Solicitors and I can find out info if you need it. I've been having time off with illness lately but there's nothing they can do - especially if you have a doctors note.

Everything everyone has said about antenatal classes is right. He cannot say no. I'd just get up and go (then say you felt so stressed so couldn't go back to work and go to the doctors for a note to be signed off for a week!!) Sorry - people really get up my nose!!

Hope you're okay hun. xx
I don't work in an office. I work in a house for people with mental health problems and learning disabilities. I got to my appointment anyway. I took 2.5 hrs lol
I don't work in an office. I work in a house for people with mental health problems and learning disabilities. I got to my appointment anyway. I took 2.5 hrs lol

Sounds like your job could be stressful at the best of times without your colleagues and boss being dicks too! 2.5 hours, brilliant! Should of just rounded it up to 3!! Did you get on ok? Was that your booking app?
Yeah it went fine but I was born with talipes as was
My cousins little girl, also I'm high risk wife my bmi so it took longer. Plus we were late getting in because the people before us couldn't speak English so had to fin a translator. We also had a long discussion about the downs testing as we have elected not to be tested. Midwife thought it was the best decision as we are going to continue with pregnancy regardless
I had to go and look that up - sorry! Hope your work are ok now that you are back - if you have things to discuss with the MW then that is far more important than having half an hour extra for an appointment that you are legally entitled to take time off for anyway! I am getting the first testing for downs but even if it comes back as high risk I don't fancy the other test - not even going to attempt to spell that!
Oh my god he sounds horrible. Glad you got your appointment but the man sounds awful your and your babies health is more important then bloody work. Grrr I hope with your next appointments and scans they are more reasonable xx
My talipes was extrema and formed in the womb so I think they're going to check for it. My mum was actually told j wouldn't walk and there's nothing that could be done and j round be disabled my whole life... Luckily she was a nurse and worked at a local private hospital and mentioned it to one of the orthopaedic surgeons (he used to do all the footballers and rugby players so was used to much bigger feet lol) but he fixed it for free... My feet are different sizes now but totally fine :) - lesson learnt - always get a 2nd or 3rd opinion

As for the downs test - if it came back high risk I would just worry myself until birth so that's why we declined it.
It also pays to know the right people by the sounds of it! I take it surgery is involved to fix it?

I am not sure if I would be a high risk or not for downs, I just thought that I could then be prepared, but I hear what you are saying. If it comes back high risk, I am probably just going to worry for the rest of the pregnancy...... hmmm, maybe I can say I don't want it after all at my scan?
You can tell then whenever I think they said Id we changed our mind to say so at the scan. My feet didn't need surgery but put in special splints and plaster
Jojo your boss sounds like a total ass. And that is bullying. Make sure you know your rights and stand up to the *******. My dad resigned then hanged himself a week later because of his lady's-front-bottom of a boss. Please don't take any crap honey, life is too damn short.

Your boss sounds like a bullying asshole. What he is doing to you is illegal. Do you a union at work? If not it may be worth joining one and taking him on :hug: xxx

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