I used to think like that but it's amazing how cowardly these cretins become once you start the process. You don't have to prove harassment, unlike bullying. Harassment is how you are made to feel. Why should these idiots get away with it, they'll still be there when you get back. A union rep will do the talking for you, and once an investigation is underway and on their files, they'll think twice about doing it again. I'm still post pregnancy hormonal, send the chuffs to mehugs xx
Lol Leesey - you're all protective and lovely!!
I would probably be giving the same advice if I was reading this thread, so I know I am a complete hypocrite here, but I am going to push on for a while longer...there's no way a doctor would sign me off work for the remaining 5 weeks would they? Just for stress?? Or would they?!