Work rant!

Thanks Vikki - I wish I was brave enough to do something like that!
When I first got married and moved away I worked I had a job in a school and had exactly the same experience! It made me so miserable. I left in the end but even now, 6 years later, my blood boils when I think about how I was treated. Women can be so awful!!

Hugs hun. I would definitely try and speak to someone about it and get it sorted!
I used to think like that but it's amazing how cowardly these cretins become once you start the process. You don't have to prove harassment, unlike bullying. Harassment is how you are made to feel. Why should these idiots get away with it, they'll still be there when you get back. A union rep will do the talking for you, and once an investigation is underway and on their files, they'll think twice about doing it again. I'm still post pregnancy hormonal, send the chuffs to me :) hugs xx
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I used to think like that but it's amazing how cowardly these cretins become once you start the process. You don't have to prove harassment, unlike bullying. Harassment is how you are made to feel. Why should these idiots get away with it, they'll still be there when you get back. A union rep will do the talking for you, and once an investigation is underway and on their files, they'll think twice about doing it again. I'm still post pregnancy hormonal, send the chuffs to me :) hugs xx

Thanks, at the moment pregnancy hormones make me feel a bit small and emotional, so confrontation is no good.

Although I was thinking about all this last night and realised I was happier when I was off sick, than when I am well and at work - that's mad isn't it?!

I think I could do with having you by my side to given em hell! :)
Can I just say I am a primary school teacher and I am shocked and appalled by this! This would NEVER happen in my school! We are all very supportive of eachother and they were thrilled when they found out I was pregnant. I do think you should contact your union as what they are doing is bullying. I'm not even sure under a risk assessment you should even be doing things like break duty - I was taken off this at 20 weeks. And no one, whatever reason you are off sick for, has to 'work harder' the next week to make up for it! I would question with those horrible people and the poor management whether that is really the right school to do your GTP in. x
I have emailed HR about stopping doing break duty but they said that I am contracted to do one break duty a week.

At the moment I do Monday break, so work from 8:30-1:20 without a break.

They suggested I swap and do one at lunchtime which means that I would spend half my lunch break one day doing duty - which isn't ideal but at least would mean I get a break.

I don't think they are really making allowances for me though, it's so frustrating!!
I'm sorry hon but I would be outta there if I were you. I agree with hellywelly, you do not want to be doing your GTP there you will not be happy and you'll not be treated any better. Join a union if you're not already in one, get signed off til the summer holidays, then as soon as you're in receipt of your maternity allowance schedule give them your notice.
I'm putting my foot down now ;) xx
Lol Leesey - you're all protective and lovely!!

I would probably be giving the same advice if I was reading this thread, so I know I am a complete hypocrite here, but I am going to push on for a while longer...there's no way a doctor would sign me off work for the remaining 5 weeks would they? Just for stress?? Or would they?!
Lol Leesey - you're all protective and lovely!!

I would probably be giving the same advice if I was reading this thread, so I know I am a complete hypocrite here, but I am going to push on for a while longer...there's no way a doctor would sign me off work for the remaining 5 weeks would they? Just for stress?? Or would they?!

"Just" stress hon? You're pregnant!! You'd probably just get two weeks at a time, so even if you wanted to go back for the last week or anything you could just ask to do that. Trust me, stress is not something that should be taken lightly at any time, never mind during pregnancy.

I firmly believe my bubs' reduced movement was down to stress at work. He/she is definitely making up for it now!! xx
My reduced movement last week was because I was ill, but this week she hasn't been a big wriggler...poss stress then?! I am getting my 10 movements a day, usually about 15.

I am seeing my midwife next week so I think I'll have a chat with her about it.

I certainly dont feel like I have any loyalty to this place!!

I am having a better day today, wen I am just ignored then its manageable...its the comments and lies etc that stress me.

And as if in agreement, baby just gave me a big kick!

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