Work Pickle - what would you do?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2012
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I'm after some opinions from fellow mums out there about what you would do in my situation. I feel like everyone else giving me their opinion doesn't quite get the whole how being a mum effects my decision.

Last week I was told my job is being made redundant. Because I'm 28 weeks pregnant regardless of what happens I will still get my mat pay. There are alternative jobs at the organisation and because of this while I'm pregnant I am in the fortunate (if you can call it that!) position that I can pretty much be slotted into one of these positions. All of them are full time, working shifts and weekends, and are based at HQ which is an extra 60 mile round trip and 90+mins of travelling each day. I would be entitled to a relocation payment to cover this. Because I will have two kids and the cost of child care it isn't worth me working full time so I have to hope that they will give me one of these jobs on a part time basis, which I'm concerned about won't happen. I won't go into all my other concerns cos I'll be here all day, but basically all the jobs are crap, doing three roles above the pay scale but only getting paid for one!

My other alternative is I take voluntary redundancy now, which would give me a payout we could stretch to last a year. This is in the hope I could find something as well paid, locally and that fits with childcare within that year.

I think a job is a job and I should just stay where I am, but on the other hand I don't want to stay for them to refuse me part time, end up with no job and no pay out in six months time!
Personally if I was I your situation and I would get mat pay plus the pay out I would take voluntary

The extra travel, child care costs etc just wouldn't justify it for me

UNLESS this a job you love and have passion for? For me a job is a payslip, so a lot less commitment!

I wouldn't be surprised if I end up in a similar position to you in the next few years and I always said if I could just squeeze another mat leave out then id take vol whenever it was next offered! And look for something more flexible to family life whether it be working in a bakery or tesco etc

A year is a long time to find another job but you've got to be really focused and not let time slip you by

Good luck with whatever you decided! It's so tricky!! Xx
I was in your position except I was only a few weeks pregnant when I found out. I had to interview for the one remaining post but I didn't bother because the job description sounded crap - more responsibility and duties for the same salary, which was at the top of that scale so no increments left to gain. I worked out that after childcare and travel I'd be left with £10 a day. I decided to take the voluntary redundancy and look upon it as an opportunity to get out and find something better after mat leave finishes.

I'm glad I did because my friend who got the role said she's effectively been doing her old job, my old job and our other colleague's old job rolled in to one and has since resigned.
Also - that extra travel sounds awful for someone who has young kids. Is your job a career that you need to stay in? Could you change fields or are there plenty of opportunities locally? I work in education so hopefully there'll be jobs locally, which helped my decision.
My job isn't one I enjoy. I've already been through all of this three years ago and ended up with two jobs rolled into one that I hate! If I wasn't pregnant and in a position where I was having to apply for the available jobs I would take the redundancy and run! It's only because I'm in theory guaranteed something with being pregnant that I am considering staying.

OH reckons I should stay where I am but still keep looking for something else which I am planning on. My redundancy payment would obviously be more than my mat pay and I can't help feeling that it would make the rest of this year easier and more comfortable for us, if I'm planning on leaving anyway!

Locally there are jobs, just not what I do, although my skills are pretty transferable. It's just wages in the private sector by us are lower than the public sector where I am now.
Just a thought, I know a few ladies at work that were pregnant when voluntary was offered and in their agreement was that that got both the mat and the payout! Maybe something to ask about?? Xx
i think i agree with the other ladies. If there wasn't extra travel and mileage involved then i'd be tempted to go for one of the other jobs but with that added on top of i wouldn't be willing to put myself through it 'just for a job'.

getting the redundancy and mat pay would be what i'd be looking at doing and then keeping my options open after baby is born as to what jobs i might be able to apply for.

I know one of my friends got made redundant while on mat leave and she ended up going back earlier to a different job with another company as it so happened the right job came up for her.

I'm in the situation of going back to work after my first baby now and im going to be commuting an hour each way in heavy traffic and tbh i'm dreading it. The work is fine i'm just so concerned how the commute is going to effect my ability to be a mum and ultimately i want to be a mum first and working woman second.
Pumpkin you have hit the nail on the head of how I feel, I'm a mum first, working woman second.
If it were me, I'd be taking the voluntary redundancy. The long commute sounds horrific and also you'd have to find childcare that covered a longer day (unless you have someone that can drop them off later and collect them earlier). Unless you really loved your job, I can't see much point. I really loved my job before I had my kids and it was brilliant career-wise. But I have to say that the commute (45 mins each way, so nothing major) and my random shifts in addition to all the rubbish that comes with nursery (illness, primarily), means that I no longer even like a job I once loved. My guess is that you'd resent your job once you have two children in the mix as it would keep you away from them longer.
I would definitely take voluntary redundancy. If it makes you financially better off for the next year then I personally think it is the best option. A year is a long time to find another job, and if you have transferable skills you could be open to a wider range of jobs. Do you have a partner who works? If it gets to after a year when your redundancy has run out and you still havent quite found a job then aslong as his wages cover bills and essentials. This is similar to the position I am in. I'm a rehab carer, but shifts are 13 hours long. Full time is 3 a week, part time 2 a week. So while it means id still get 4 days off and still be on a full time wage, for those days I am working, I'd go the whole day without seeing my baby three times a week - and because shifts are on a rota, sometimes it might be three days in a row. For me, not worth it. So i'm planning on not going back at all. But because my OH's wages more than cover bills and essentials, theres no particular rush for me to find a part time job straight away. A job is a job, and i'm prepared to go for anything that has the right hours for me. The job can work around me and my family, rather than us working around the job

For me, it would not be worth the possibility that they wouldn't let you take part time, aswell as the travelling and the costs of travelling.

As Pumpkin9 said, I want to be a mum first. As ambitious as I might have been once (been uni and all that), I'm a mother now and I want to live for that rather than a career :)
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Miss Lauren I would have to go back to work as what OH earns isn't enough to cover our outgoings alone long term.
Ah, in that case you would have to have another job lined up in time for the redundancy running out. I would still take voluntary redundancy. It would stress me out too much thinking about the chance they might not let me go part time (& then the consequences if they don't), and an extra 90mins travelling would just make me miserable! Anything for an easy life though for me!

Hope you make the right decision for you and your family, good luck with whatever it is you decide in the end :)
I would take the payout and mat pay if that's what you will get. I can't even imagine that commute as well as 2 kids and childcare. What's the chance a of another job?
I have to agree with the others - the commute sounds unmanageable with two kids plus you need to take your travel costs into consideration as it won't be cheap to drive that distance (assuming you would travel by car?). A year is a ling time to find a new job and if the payout will give more than your may pay it seems like a no brainer really if you don't enjoy the job. We have decide it's more important for me to be at home most of the time so are willing to majorly cut back so I can do so. I'm prepared to be tight for money till both kids are at school to be able to be at home the majority of the week ( working 2 days). Best of luck x
Thanks everyone, I'm stepping away from it all just now because I'm just driving myself insane trying to work out what to do! I don't have to make a decision until April either way. I don't think the stress of it all is helping while I'm pregnant.
I'm sure hon take it easy and yet not to stress. Just one other point I'm an accountant) - you will still be entitled to smp so if you do decide to take redundancy make sure that is factored into your redundancy package x
I'm sure hon take it easy and yet not to stress. Just one other point I'm an accountant) - you will still be entitled to smp so if you do decide to take redundancy make sure that is factored into your redundancy package x

Thanks, yes have already confirmed I would still receive smp regardless of what happens.

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