Maternity leave and not wanting to go back to work


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
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hiya, does anyone know any loopholes of not having to go back to work after maternity leave, Ive had time to think and the job I have is far too stressful to go back to with a young baby, ive been offered a rep job working two nights a week, giving me almost the same as a full weeks wage with my other job and it means we dont have to pay for childcare as my OH can take my son as its workin between 6pm-11pm. How can i get out of having to go back to my old job or will i have to pay back all my maternity leave, money is getting tight and i aint supposed to go back there until december, the company has also went bust and a new company has just taken over, :? XkelX
It dends on what your contract says.
With my job I only got the statuatory rate after the first 6 weeks so I didn't have to go back. If your company have paid you extra you have to go back or pay it back, I don't know of any loopholes I'm afraid.
If I didn't go back after my maternity leave I would have to pay so much of my money back to them :(

I think my conract said sumthin about payin it back, i had 6 weeks 90% wage and summit like 8 weeks 40% wage, just wondering how much is expected to be paid back. I could get my Doctor to sign me off as i ended up with anxiety and panic attacks due to working condiotions, I really hate that job the more i think about it XkeLX

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