
:rotfl: :rotfl:

So, this my little girl, Jade aged 7.

My little girl is a right Tomboy!!! She don't want matching belts, skirts and tops, she wants the best star wars top or Pirates of the Carribean jeans and so on. It has been a real slog to get her to wear anything girly....................but we have managed over the past year she has gradually not been so angry about wearing girls clothes, as I decided that she would only get her "boy clothes" if she got and wore some girls clothes too......i.e wear a Pirates of the carribean T-shirt, but you wear a pair of girls jeans, or you wear combats but you wear a girls top! etc. (we insisted on her wearing something girly after I told someone her name and they kept calling her JAKE!!! :x :x )

If you walked into her bedroom, you would sear it was a boys room.....it is all boys toys and Star wars bedding etc.

She hates the thought of being a girl, she hates the thought that now she knows I am pregnant, it could happen to her at any time :lol: (I told her it couldn't), she HATES my friend buying her make up or nail polish, she HATES girly presents, her little face drops when she gets a girly pressie, she would rather have a telling off, she don't want girl friends, she prefers boys, but, she would never have her hair cut short and................

she wants to marry me!!! :angel:

She folds her arms and pulls faces when she is told "no" but very quickly comes back with "Sorry Mum".

Bless her, she is as good as gold and it makes me worry about what I have instore when her hormones kick in, in a few years :?

Bless em eh!!! But I am so happy as we are really close, she is my little ray of sunshine!!

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