when would you


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Kiara is really not looking well today , i noticed last night when we took her swimming she didnt look herself, then this morning she woke up and felt really hot so i took her temp and it was 39C -( 102F ) .
I gave her med to lower it and its been half hour and shes gone back to sleep.
I managed to get a few sips of milk to her .
She seems really drained, has the chills and just looks flushes with rosy cheeks. She has a bit of a cugh but sounds more like she chokes .

I have just gotten her 1 years shots on thursday and the nurse told me she could get a fever right after or up to 3 weeks after and to not worry..
So my question is at what point would you worry about how your chld is acting or how high would a fever have to get to go see a doctor?
and do you think because i just gother shots they will just send me home?

Im going to let her sleep and when she wakes take her temp again.

Thanks Katrina
oh thats tough, if i was you i would be tempted to take a trip to the docs & get her checked out just for peace of mind.
don't panic its probably like you say the shots.
good luck & let us know how you get on.
get well Kiara :hug: :hug:
i agree. i would pop to the docs.

feel better Kiara

Well she finally woke up its 1225 pm and she has only been awake an hour since 8pm last night.
her temp is now 38.8 so tiny bit lower and bernie is feeding her a banana right now , so at least shes eating.
I think ill wait and see if she gets any worse as she is eating and drinking a little.

Feel sorry for her she had just got over being sick :?

oh no hope she is feeling better soon poor lil lady
Braydon send her big snogs and says feel better soon

Thanks girls.

Still havent taken her in but i know how crappy she feels now once again shes gotten me sick too, i have such a sore throat and am stuffed up , the only difference is she still has a fever and i dont.
Are kids suppost to have a fever for a few days staright or is it suppost to have settled by now

We had to take Isaac to A&E with a fever just before christmas. Turned out to be croup. At the hospital they stipped him off, gave him paracetamol and put a fan on him. His temp came down in no time so the next time he has a fever I know what to do at home before dashing off to A&E!

Hope all is well. Its horrible when they are poorly. Isaac has just given me a cold and I feel really crap. I make much more fuss than he does though lol

Lou :)

I am the same :lol: i think i complain more about it shes a trooper :)
Ive been keeping the fever down with meds so as long as its working i think its ok

My poor girl is getting worse by the day she has had a fever since Monday and yesterday (thursday) it got to 105 so we rushed her to emergency and all he said was its okay for babies to get a high temp and that she wont fry her brain or anything :roll: he said she is just sick with a cold.
Will be a week tom, with a fever, not eating much, shes lost weight, has 1-2 wet diapers a day, hardly drinks nething, sleeps 90% of the day we cant keep her awake, has puss coming from her eyes, and she is stuffed up.
I make a quick apperence to my little cousins b-day party and got lectured by everyone saying i should be taking her back to the hospital.
I think i might take her to childrens its about 40 min from her , maybe they will be better since tehy only deal with children?

Do you think im just being overly paranoid or would you take your toddler back in if he/she were like this, i mean they act liek im crazy or i dont know anything, i just want my baby to be better and she is getting worse by the day :(

Sorry for going on and on , am venting to you all , hope you dont mind :)

I would take her back.

go with your gut instinct. you know if your daughter isn't right :hug:

i hope she feels better soon.

vent away :)
Aw no, is paracetomol not helping to bring the fever down?

If you know she's not right then take her, if nothing else it will make you feel better that you are doing everything you can.

Hope she gets better soon

you know her better than anyone, if you're worried then take her, and i really hope she is feeling better soon :hug: :hug:
hun iv just emailed u back but i think u should take her
u know her best and ur really worried so id take her

Well ive phoned the health line and she isnt worried about fever just about her not having many wet diapers and that shes so tired and all she does is sleep.
Just phoned Bernie he was at his uncles and he is on his way home so im just about to get ready then were going to go to childrens hospital and hopefully they can give somthing to help my baby girl feel better .and figure out whats wrong :(

well by the time we were about to leave the house Kiara woke up and looked sooo much better no fever, nothing in her eyes.
And this morning now she is actually eating some cheerios :cheer: im so happy i think she will just get better from here :)
Thank you for all your replies i was getting really concerned.
glad to hear your princess is feeling better!

give her a hug from me and alice :hug:

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