really bad behaviour


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i seriously dunno how to handle her after this ... hp?t=70564 she has been really badly behaved, shes started wetting herself and sucking her thumb, she told me that her bioligical father told her that aex isnt her daddy and shes not allowed to call him daddy.

she has around 6 tantrums a day if something she doesnt like she goes into a tantrum right away. she just told me she wanted cereal for breakfast, i made it then she said no i want toast i changed my mind. i told her no this ios what u asked for this is what your having, if you dont want it leave it. she shouted make me toast so i ignored her. she said if you dont make me toast im gonna split you and daddy up. and edward! wtf do i say to that! told her to go to the stairs (time out) i went to ask her after 5 mins to put happy thoughts in her mind and a smile on her face then she can come out and she was sitting there sucking her thumb ( never seen her do this b4) this is killing me :(
I'm sorry I don't have any advice cos don't have a little girl Charlottes age but wanted to give these :hug: :hug: You think it has a lot to do with her biological dad being a prick? Maybe you should write all this stuff down so if you do go to court. Maybe go to your docs, they maybe have a councillor type who deals with family things who she can chat to? :hug:
I also can't help in the sense that I'm only expecting my first at the moment but I did work in childcare for a good few years and have seen alot of sibling jealousy, which it sounds like may be a factor here, reverting to baby like behaviour i.e. thumb sucking is very common when a baby comes along the older sibling see's the baby doing these babyish things and getting lots of attention so reverts to baby like behaviour in an attempt to get attention. It also sounds like your ex is causing alot of trouble by confusing her, she was happy with her little family unit calling your partner Daddy and having you both to herself and now she has a baby brother and thats all confusing and on top of that her Dad is confusing her further telling her your partner is not her Daddy and not to be called Daddy perhaps even telling her (and I could be very wrong here but he sounds the type!) that he is Edwards Daddy and not hers so your partner loves Edward more or something like that which would only upset and confuse her more.

Is it possible to refuse your ex access on the basis that he is causing upset to your daughter for the time being? I think Sweetcheeks24's suggestion of seeking advice from the doctors is a really good one they may be able to arrange a child councillor to talk to your daughter and help her talk through all this confusion in her mind at the moment or failing that talking to someone just out side your family unit i.e. a granparent aunt etc may help she may be able to tell them things confusing her that she doesn't feel she can talk to you about and they may be able to explain to her any confusions she has.

I hope you can get this sorted it must be so hard when something you have no control over i.e. your ex is causing these problems and upset :hug: :hug:
:hug: Lisa

My first thoughts are that your ex is such a bad influence on Charlotte. I have read your previous posts regarding him and my first reaction is to keep him away from her. He isn't acting like a grown up father at all, but like a nasty spiteful child. Charlotte doesn't need all this from him and if I were you if ex doesn't pull his socks up and stop upsetting Charlotte, I would seek legal advice. You DO NOT need any of this either hun, you have not long had Edward.

I feel so cross at your ex, what an angry and spiteful man! :x

Hope you don't mind what I have just said, but it's what I think :hug:
I've had similar from Paris in the past (and recently from when Harrison arrived) - keep telling her what a big girl she is and that big girls don't wet themselves or suck thumbs etc (can word it better) - as for what your ex said I think in time she'll ignore it, kids just say what hurts you and after all she's only repeating what he said to her.

Anywho just goes to show you were right all along about him :hug: :hug:

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