woohoo, i did it, BFP!!! update - pic added

yeh, i did a few things different: Was taking agnus castus up until 1 week ago (ran out!) was also taking dong quoi along with my pre-natal vits. BD loads (5 days in a row, twice on the last day, lol, sorry for tmi) then had a break of a day cos was having a smear then it turned out that the two days of peak OV on the CBFM were the first day that we couldn't cos of smear so i forced DH into bed on the second peak just incase! It was my second cycle using the CBFM and probably wouldn't have BD on that second day if not for it cos we'd been BDing so much prior! I read up that dong quoi helped with toning uterus and also affected CM around time of OV (which it did, i noticed really slippery CM on the 2 days of my peak which disappeared the next day) and it's also apparantly good for helping to implant into uterus and with maintaining pregnancy. Whatever it was, even if it was none of those, i'm soooo happy :cheer:

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