Think I might be in labour! **UPDATED - HE'S HERE!!!**


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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My little boy (No name yet) was born at 4.35pm today after 2hr 54min active labour. Homebirth was great :D Will do a proper birth story when I feel upto it.

Baby is asleep now - he had a good breastfeed :D Ive had a bath and feel fine and my mums gone off to the takeaway :lol:

Don't know howmuch baby weighs yet, midwife coming with scales in morning. midwife reckons about 6lbs though.

No tears or grazes :D

Used all the gas n air - midwife had to go get some more lol


Not too sure but think I might be in labour :shock: At 10am this morn I started getting period like pains but over the past 30mins or so they have got alot worse and im finiding it quite hard to cope with them now :shock:

Theyre coming every 5-10mins ish...not sure how long theyre lasting, feels like forever though :cry:

Just had another while trying to write this :|

I've been to the toilet aswell a few times for my 'clear out' Sorry TMI :oops:

So this could be it :shock: Scared.

If I go for a bath will it stop the contractions or make them worse?
Just wanted to wish you luck.. I would have a warm bath.. If you are inlabour it should help things along nicely

Good luck x :hug:
Oh wow, how exciting. Sounds like labour especially with the icreasing pain. I think that if it is true labour a bath shouldn't stop the contractions, it might help take the edge off the pain though.

Good luck :D

Alex xxx
sounds like it could be, i think its fine to have a bath, if they get worse its labour, if it slows them down its not.. well apparently :lol: :hug:
Oooh, how exciting!!!! Good luck!!! :D
Dont be scared! :hug:
Yay! So exciting, I wondered when you were gonna pop! Hope it's the real thing hun :D
Yeah, sounds like labour. Hope this is it for you chick.
I would have a warm bath, it will make you feel alot better ( think i had 7 baths whilst in labour with Harrison)

Good Luck xxx
wow, how exciting. let us know how your progressing. hoping everything goes smoothly for you! :hug:
Doh!!! someone else before me!!!!

Hope this is it for you but please send me some labour dust!!! :wall: :rotfl:
OOh exciting stuff hun, I hope that everything is going well for you. I can't wait to see some piccies of your little man :D


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