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Wonder why i hate the NHS, read on (long story)


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
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Reli long story but ths explains why i hate THE NHS lots!!

Experience 1,
(approx 7 years old)
As a child, the gromit operation.
As a child i always had ear infections and therfor the hospital recommended i had gromits put in me ears!
One time i remembered they put the "magic cream" on my hand said it would take the pain away for the needle, for the general anaethetic, anyway when it came to it, i remember it distinctivly absalutly hurting like hell! So the next time i said i wasnt having it, so as the room filled up with more and more operating staff and i still wasnt anethatised, i had about 6 people holding me down with a gas mask on so once i was put under they could inject me with the anesetic, anyway, this was really terrifying and yet did i know this wouldnt be my only encounter with beeing held down on the table. As a kid this absalutly made me terrified of both needles and hospitals.

Experience 2,
Duncan pregnancy 2004
This pregnancy ended up in caesarean section, (There were alot of problems with NHS through the pregnancy, read the birth story on duncans page for more info) When it came to the caesarean section, i was about to be sectioned when they asked for babies stuff and dean asked the theatre staff, "please wait for me to come back, she is terrified of needles" they ALL agreed " yeah ok " So then with Dean gone, i was advised to go into the anesetic room, then told to get on the bed, then before i knew anything it was all happening all over again, there i was beeing pinned down having needles stuck everywhere, screaming blue murder. Then dean came back to find me hysterical, i was screaming i didnt want it done, anyway before i knew it i was starting to have a panic attack and then they put me under.. When i woke i found 3 track marks on my right arm then for the drip to be finally placed in my hand, also found scrathes on the back of my neck. That night i was told to leave my baby crying and was very rudely spoken to aswel, read the birth story for more.

Experience 3
James pregnancy
Throughout this pregnancy i recieved constant bullying from the NHS reguarding MY birth choices i made, i wanted a home water birth after caesarean, oki did get it but all the emotional terror i went through was unbelievable, i was told id give birth to a dead baby and IF i was still alive id need a hysterectomy, all of which didnt come true, i knew the risks of uterine Rupture are VERY rare, and i was prepaired to take that chance i needed to do this for myself, sounds selfish but i knew if i went into hosp i wouldnt labour well and probably end up with a repeat caesarean of which i would avoid at all costs. I needed to know what labour was like, i wanted that rush of love you get, i wanted the experience. After the caesarean i practically hated my son for beeing breech i hated that i needed a caesarean i hated him. i didnt get that rush of love, just the hate. Within a week i realised that it was the midwifes fault for not doin her job properly and i then kissed him for the first time. I hate myself for hating him, he is my baby, my son my own flesh and blood and i know my own mum has done alot worse to us all but i am nothing like her and for having those feelings i can never forgive myself. I think of when i kissed him for the first time and hate it, hate why it was delayed, hate those thoughts i had. Anyway back to ths preg it was a constant battle. I am still not happy with the midwifes that attended as they just seemed to be talking among themself and not noticing what i was doing, but at the end of the day i got my birth i wanted and i loved it, and i will be doing it all ova again, in a few years tho!

Experience 4
"6 week check up"
As you all know i was going to the docs monday just gone..31 july 2006 for my "6 week check up" which was already a week late.. Anyway i yet again had a bad experience yet again, i am beggining to think that the NHS hate me, and that they all have a personal thrill out of scarin the shit out of me.. Anyway, the doctor concerned was insulting me constantly saying i must loose this weight, (uh-duh i dont intend on keepin it) then she told me to hop up on the bed to examine the tear, also i thought anyway it wasnt until i saw her with a silver tray with metal bits inside i totally freaked out jumping up crying asking her what she was gonna do, she didnt say anything, she wasnt even going to tell me what she was about to do, she drew the curtain so dean couldnt even comfort me, luckily i caught her just in time before she launched a massive thing up me, when im already still sore. i couldnt believe it, how she wouldnt have even mentioned what she was doing, i feel so sad, angry and really upset that i get mistreated all the time, from the time i had gromits put in when i was a child then the pregnancy in 2004 with duncan and this 2006 pregnancy and now this with the large metal thing, i dont even know what it was, dean said after it looked really long like a telescope. I was crying hysterically i am so fed up of beeing a human punch bag for the NHS. I now have no faith in the NHS anymore, its worse than before, now have become a strict dieter, im now a vegetarien cos of the things she was saying to me and dean isnt happy with her either , if i keel over and die its because i am not allowed to eat anything much and the breast feeding has taken it all outta me.
I will now add a new page about my hospital experiences so u can read and tell me what u think, weather u would trust the crappy NHS anymore or weather u would have given up trust in them ages ago, take care all n thanks for reading. xxx, trying to keep strong for the kids n my family but im slowley braking up til one day there will be nothing left of me but dust where i used to be.
I'm sorry you've had such a rubbish experience of the NHS so far. Don't really know what to say :hug: I'm sure they never did any of it to hurt you personally. As for the anesthetic, no one is usually allowed in the room with you, so I have been told. Regards the home birth, they were way out of line for saying those things to you, it's YOUR choice, they should give you the risks but maybe not so bluntly.
xactly, thank you Sami, lots of people wonder why and call me crazy for me thinking the NHS is out there to get me (like the bogey man lol) but seriously how can i trust them after all this? I am supposed to trust these idiots with my life and i forgot the doc tht was gonna rpescribe me anti-hystameins whilst i was preg with Duncan !!! If my hubby hadnt been there and said about it i would have walked away happily as she was looking on the silly puter she shud have seen the pregnancy things!!
Anyway idid my research for the home birth and im so glad i stuck to my guns it was such a wonderful magical experience i saw the cord beein cut and saw him beeing born, it was just so magical i could cry right now, i feel tht emotional about it!

xx :cheer: :dance: :clap:
aw hun you had a really awful time i am sending you ((((( :hug: )))))).

Is there another hospital in your district that you could go to next time, as you said that you would like another baby.

Maybe you need to put this into writing and send it to the complaints department at your hospital.

please dont deny yourself food hun. you need as much energy as possible, with looking after James and Duncan. i dont know why your gp told you too loose weight. you shouldnt even worry about that. i mean it took nine months to go, so why should you have to loose it in two months.

let us know how you are doing, and please dont let yourself go hungry. your family love and need you.

I had 3 sections but on the last one, i had it in eastbourne and my hubby was allowed with me from start to finish. it was a lot better as he was sort of cuddling me when i had the spinal.
I had a similar experience when i saw about 7 i had to have some teeth removed, i was scared and my mum wasn't allowed to come in with me , so a sat on the chair and they put a mask at arms length in front of me, then said to think of rainbows as they moved the mask closer - all i could smell was rubber and i started struggling ans crying and i was held down as they put the mask over my mouth, i then woke up with blood coming out of my mouth, and i was sent home, i wasn't even round from the anaesthetic, so i hate dentists.

then when i had ewan - the doctor injected local anaesthetic into my perineal area MID contraction - and just told me 'breathe' i was almost crying, when he was stitching me i said that i could feel it, he said almost finished 5 mins later still stitching - it F'ing hurt!!!
2 hours after ewan was born i am still laid in my own blood, sh@t,afterbirth etc! i ask if i can have a bath so nurse/midwife goes and runs me one, so i sit up off the bed and stand up - blood starts running down my leg, dripping and there is a large pool forming at my feet i'm thinking sh+t i'm haemorhaging and almost pass out, hubby said i went white as snow. so i go in the bath which is as hot as a sauna with no window or ventilation and and hubby shuts the door too as other wise all insundry can see me in the bath. still feeling crappy, i get in to the bath but start to feel dizzy and my ears are bussing i say to Tom my hubby that i don't feel well and think i might be sick so he rushed out to get me a bowl, the nurse gave him a bowl but no one came in and checked me i could have passed out in the bath, i get out of the bath an manage to dry my self in between blood leaking everywhere, to said to Tom that it will be nice to get on a clean bed and laydown and try and get a bit of sleep when we go back to the room, we get to the room and they haven't cleaned ANYTHING!! Tom was furious as i felt ill again and almost passed out, tom sat me down and then went and asked the room to be cleaned they were all sat having a cuppa!! i wasn't impressed but was too tired.
They try to get me to breast feed by shoving boob in ewans mouth - nothing was explained.
i was wheeled down to the maternity ward and was told its quiet tonight so you have your own room, there were 4 room and 4 new mums in, i was check 2x during the night tom went home, and i am terrified to call anyone for help, i eventually have to go to the loo so i ask for help the loo is only about 15 steps away but i felt very faint every time i stood, so the nurse took me to the loo then went - i waited and waited but she didn't come abck so i managed to walk very slowly back to bed, 10 mins later she came back - i could have passed out!!! the next day i just wanted to go home to my own bed but was criticised,
So i know how you feel - i don't trust to nhs i next i want a home birth.
I could never have got through it without Tom my hubby.
Ohhhh I'm just not going to get started on the NHS :x
SHIT hun thats all i can say bloody hell i dont know what to say to u, what a story, u should try not to feel shit just cos stupid doctors and nurse but i know that will be easier said than done.

Think i wanna go private now, hope ur ok hun

sorry i dont really know what to say :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thankfully ive not had a bad experience with the NHS and i have a great doctor bt ive already discovered something with the NHS in this area which i will not be happy about in the near future. Because of lack of funds this area only offers one scan at 12 weeks for pg women, i dont agree with this at all and will be paying to get a second privatley.

My sil only got the one scan and when she reach 40 weeks the midwife realised she was measuring too small so there was a big panic, wondering why this was never noticed earlier. My neice was born and 6 and a half pounds, healthy.

I just said in another post that as soon as were financially able to i will be joining HSA or BUPA, I used to be on HSA through my dad and the care was brilliant.
thanks for all ur kind replies, i just thought i would post and see weather people just think i am big baby or weather they think the same as me and tht its terrible!

I dont see why we shud pay for private health care tho :S
I mean we pau taxes dont we, tht goes to it so ina way we r kind payin for ths S**t!

I sware the NHS make loadsa people sick with worry and conciderin i was preg when they told me id die and have a dead baby, i think that was well out of order really could have killed the bbay cos i was stressd baby cud have got distressed aswell then who knows what?

:evil: :evil: they r all evil to**ers ! :evil: :evil:
sonia205 said:
:evil: :evil: they r all evil to**ers ! :evil: :evil:

You are obviously upset but I feel that this is a bit harsh. You are making a generalisation about people you dont know - me for instance and I certainly dont consider myself to be a to**er or a bad nurse. You have met some bad nurses in your experience but please dont think that we all are. It is hard enough to work in the NHS without people going round calling us to**ers!

Have you actually approached anyone about any of this? May I suggest you contact your local PALS service (Patient advice and liason service) for further advice?
ell the thing is, no one told me i have 6 months to complain, now 20 months on im starting to feel comfortablt talkint about it, therfor can complain they told me im out of Time, if i am still mentally suffering why should they NOT look into it?
Maybe there are a few gd nurses out there who knows, one thing is for sure EVERY NHS person i have met so far seems to be reli horrible to me therfor i can not assum there is any good nurses out there, im sorry but its just me, i cant assume it when i have been treated like poo time and time again. It doesnt seem possible there are any gd ppl in the NHS.

Sorry for makin tht aassumption but as i say EVERY! i have seen is reli bad to me therfor i cant think about gd ppl in the NHS..

U cud always move down here n treat me from now on tho then ill have a gd nurse lol...
davina said:
Maybe you need to put this into writing and send it to the complaints department at your hospital.
i mean it took nine months to go, so why should you have to loose it in two months.

let us know how you are doing, and please dont let yourself go hungry. your family love and need you.

tht is so true!!! thanks babes u reli helped me!! :D
I just feel like it only happns to me :S :(
sonia205 said:
i can not assum there is any good nurses out there

It doesnt seem possible there are any gd ppl in the NHS.

I'm not gonna post in this thread again because this is your thread Sonia and you have strong feelings and I dont want this to turn into a debate or argument when you have every right to vent your feelings and get thoughts from other people.

However, I know there are a few nurses on this forum and I personally find your remarks judgemental and upsetting. I only qualified three weeks ago and now I find myself having to read comments that there aren't any good nurses in the NHS. Believe me, there are! But as I said before, its so hard to work and actually be a good nurse when people are hating you and assuming the worst about you. During my training and nursing career, I have never knowingly upset a patient and have gone out of my way to look after people to the best of my ability and I am sure the other nurses on this forum will agree.

Sorry Sonia - rant over and I hope I haven't made things worse for you

Alice xx
but its the same in every profession alice, there are good and bad workers. The thing is, (from my experience in a London Hospital). When you go into a hospital for your first baby, you know nothing. no amount of anti natal classes are going to prepare you for the event. Sometimes all you need is reassurance and to be kept up to date on the events happening. I'm afraid that most of the midwives that i had in London were far to condensending. and you tend to forget the nice midwife that you have and just remember the horrible experiences.

I do blame the government mostly as lack of money means that staff have to work longer hours with fewer staff and that cant be good for the patients.

i bet the nurses themselves get disillusioned as the years go by.

by the way well done for passing your exams.

OMG a nurse that actually said sorry! You must b better thn the rest, all of the ppl envolved with all my experiences either deny it or it hasnt been docummented!

I appologise for my remark there possibly are a few gd nurses out there.

I noticd though YOU did not comment on the way i was treated, why is that i wonder?
I'm sorry you're experiences sound awful :shock:

I have to diagree with you, everytime I've been to the EPU the nurses were brilliant and when I had my missed miscarriage and had to go into hopital they were excellent and really took care of me.

Alicebabe - :hug: I think you're brill
Until i get proven wrong and go get a gd nurse i really cant think anything else but..

sorry but im sure if u had been thru what i have been u really wud feel the same. :( :cry:
You've had a really bad time with the NHS, I don't blame you for feeling upset.

Thankfully I haven't been through anything similar :pray:
I dont blame you for being upset but you will have encountered only a fraction of the people who work for the nhs.

I have encountered good and bad but thankfully more good.

One thing I would say though is ask questions, dont be quiet and dont accept things as the done thing.

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