Wonder why i hate the NHS, read on (long story)

Minime said:
In fact I have somebody serving time at her majesties pleasure for things that happened to me when I was around 13. That was my way of closure and not everyone can or wants to do that, we each have our own ways of dealling with things.

I wish my "friend" was serving at Her Majesty's Pleasure! Unfortunately it came down to my word vs his, and at the time i just wasn't strong enough to push forward.... One day I will be!!

IS their a time limit concidering when you can take stuff to court, eg like things tht happnd a while ago?
No hun, they would still take it to court, would just mean no physical evidence, thats all!!

surelly tho its still my wrd against "his" well "it" actually people like tht arnt him or his its an it.

Yeah, it would be your word against his...
But if you are strong enough to stand up in court and tell them your side then you should get somewhere, cos he's likely to be unable to confirm his story, it would be random and all over the place!

I know for a fact that my story today would match exactly word for word the statement i gave all that time ago!

surelly tho they cant just lock anyone away without evidence? Im sure if i was to take it to court nothin would be done as it was so long ago and well becasue of the evidence factor
You could give it a go though.
Speak to your local police see what the steps are that you can take, might help you get some closure?

its worth a go perhaps although im sure id find it reli upsettin to drag it all back up...
It was my word against his however he had a lot of tattoos which i described every one and where they were. That proves you had "intimate knowledge" then it was down to proving it was without consent. They throw all kinds at you in court which you have to be prepared to face but they were kinda desperate even claiming that because I like things like lava lamps i'd "hypnotised myself" and tried to claim false recovered memory syndrome :roll: . After 3 days of giving evidence against him and answering everything they threw he caved and changed plea (They get a lesser sentence).
If youre a strong person then you can face them in court but you have to be ready. It is very very rare to have a successful conviction so long after the event and it is also rare for any case to get into court in the first place. That isnt a reflection on you, its down to money. The CPS only send cases to court that have a liklihood of conviction as court is expensive on the public purse. If you have good evidence such as dates, any witnesses etc then theyre more likely to prosecute.

There isnt a time limit but they obviously ask why you havent reported it earlier & you see more and more cases going through of things that happened years ago so things have changed.
I am usually a strong person but when it comes down to this i am not i am very weak and usually dont even talk about it, just thought u ladies wud get a better picture of why im so depressd and my head is screwed up!

Thanks for ur advice but i dont think i shall take it to court i have nothing evidence wise and couldnot go through that for IT not to get punishd for wht IT did to me.


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