Witch is a B**CH!!!

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Sorry for the horrible language but i'm needing a mini rant

Witch has been teasing me for DAYS!! i know shes just around the corner but i've had the WORST PMT ever, :cry:

I dont normally get PMT at all but i've been like a woman possesed, one minute crying then next livid.

Been without hubby for a week and dont think its helping matters, he wont be back till next sunday either :cry::cry::cry:Dont want to tell him how i'm feeling on the phone because i know he will just worry about me.

Thanks for listening ladies as usual

Aw Nurse :hug:

It must be horrible not having your hubby there when you're feeling so vulnerable.

When my hubby isn't there, i like to give my engagement ring and wedding band a nice scrub. I drop them in some warm soapy water and then get my electric tooth brush on them and get all the crap off my bling. When i see them all nice and shiney i just feel closer to my hubby somehow.
aww thats lovely Louise, i have to say i'm a bit of a crazy ring cleaner most of the time anyways, love having them all nice and shiny. Cant wait to see OH on sunday

Its going to be a very long week

Thinkk i will feel a bit better when she shows her face and then quickly departs before hubbys arrival.
Aw sorry ur feeling do crap Hunny :( get it all off ur chest on here then have a lovely chat with OH as soon as u can xxx
sorry shes giving you crap hunny shes always giving me crap............i think she need a good slap across the mush!!!!!!!!! i know how you feel when your hubby not around mine use to work away aswell and its sucks arse big time sending you big ((((hugs)))) xxxx
Sorry Nurse you are right she is an absolute b****! Especially when she mucks you about! A wee bit of chocolate and watching my favourite movie or re-runs of tv programmes always helps me! Take care!
Sorry she's being so horrible to you. Always pretty horrible to me too. Agree with others choc and fav movie in absence of hubby. It's horrible when they're away. We both work shifts which is hard enough. Take care. xx
Hope your feeling better today - as the others say choc always helps and she will be long gone soon enough (and hopefully for 9 months) x
Sending you lots of cyber hugs! I hope that she shows soon so that you can move forward (obviously I also hope that she stays away for 9 months tooooo!)
Thank you very much for the replies ladies

Feeling a bit better today, she is just around the corner had some brown spotting this morning, so thats cheered me up a bit :)

and i just had a cuppa with 4, yes 4 choc chip cookies....oooops :)
4 choc chip cookies - that's the way to go!!! :-)

hope you're feeling a little happier today and that the nasty *itch just gets it over & done with xx

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