Wishful thinking?

well me and my husband have been having sex daily. and iv read this isnt good so where going to chang to once every 2 days. Hes eating bananas which iv heard is good. Im taking prgnancy/TTC pills (which i cant swollow because there too big...so im pushing the goo out from inside and drinking it). Im trying to eat better and do more excercise. and im leaving the man goo in me with a pillow under my bum for 30mins every time we BD :) my only problem is every time we BD i need a wee stright away. Iv heard that wee kills it so iv tried to hold it in but im thinking maybe thsts whats doing it!! :oops:
sorry AF came jenna, i think to be honest we all thought that we would fall pregnant straight away after coming off the pill and i remember my 1st AF was a real dissapointment as well. i think we have up and down cycles, this month i know i will be gutted but last month i was quite chilled about getting AF and thought of it as a positive start for the next cycle.

You will be fine, you have everything on our side, it takes on average 6 months to concieve anyway so bear that in mind and your OH is fully supporting you. you'll be fine. think positive. Take it from someone who knows i've had 3 nearly 4 disappointments due to AF coming and im still here to tell the tale.

thinking of you xx
the thing thats getting me down the post is how big and painful this period is. I went to toilet and realised id leaked blood all down my jeans, It was the iceing on the cake i think. I feel like a right failure. :cry: (apologies for the spelling)
all you can do hun is think positive, give it a few months (6 tops) keep trying but enjoy it! but try not think of it as every time yous have 'cuddles' it might be you concieving (sp?) try relaxing more and not to think of it to much the more relaxed and calm you are about the situation im sure the better the chances are.

Take care hun and good luck
AF always comes back with a vengeance when stopping the pill, mine did anyhow!! It was worse than ever before. I know how your feeling hun, I thought it would be soooooo easy to get pg but it took me three months and that felt like an eternity. Its hard to be patient when you want something so bad but it will happen hun, and I hope its quickly for you. Have you tried eating natural yogurt around ovulation?? I swear this helped me when ttc.
no i forgot to buy some but i will do! :dance: feeling quite positive today for once lol!
:dance: itsgreat your feeling positive try staying relaxed and keep thinking positive you will get their in the end hun take care

sending loads of baby dust your way

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