Still think I could be :?

Nope he didnt even do that for me just sent my urine sample off to the hospital???
Loads of luck for tomorrow Glitzy...between you and Miss Gobby I will be getting the sack for sneaking on to the forum during work hours to find out the goss!!! I just have to know!!! :wink:

Loads and loads of baby dust!!! :hug:

I didnt do a test, im scared to lol!

Ive decided to wait a few days and see if I ovulate, because I have NEVER had a positive HPT - im seriously wierd lol

My eldest - I had an almost normal period and BFN's right up until about 9 weeks.

My youngest - same with the BFN's.

I think my Hgc absorbs straight into my blood stream so is weak in my urine, this is what a doc suggested to me before anyway as a reaosn for them being negative all the time.

I cant sit there and look at another BFN knowing it could be wrong but being so disapointed anyway.

If I wait and see if I ovulate, that will tell me.

But im pretty convinced. Ive got little white spots on my nips this morning, felt a little sick on my way to work - have been so much more hungry and tired than usual - you know all the usual stuff - and no sign of OV yet but very bizarre temps! Im 99% tempted to do myself a ticker. :cheer:
go home right now and get plenty of b'ding in!!!

i know everyone on here is crossing everything for you :hug:
OH is off work today, so Im gonna call him and make sure he is ready and willing as soon as I get home :D
Oh my goodness, I'm not online for a day or two and I miss this!!! Sending you loads of luck and best wishes!!

I know what youy mean about the bfn when you are in fact bfp - I had that... didnt show on a preg test until I was 7wks and even then it was really faint!!
Oooh Jax, it sounds so good - my first symptoms were raised bumps on my areolas (sp?), crying irrationally and behaving hormonally and no AF - so all is sounding good for you!

However, jump on that OH, just in case!

Valentine xxx
valentine said:
Oooh Jax, it sounds so good - my first symptoms were raised bumps on my areolas (sp?), crying irrationally and behaving hormonally and no AF - so all is sounding good for you!

However, jump on that OH, just in case!

Valentine xxx

lol yes I'll be covering all angles and assuming that I have OV'd just incase, OH already has his orders for when I get home :rotfl:

Silly question.....but how long does eggwhite hang around for? Ive always assumed I never get eggwhite but something similiar but not stretchy and that this was my problem, I have a 21 day progesterone test this cycle to check im ovulating. This is the first time ive noticed eggwhite proper - it was quite thrilling when I could stretch it in my fingers - a perfect example of eggwhite like gold to me it was lol.....but will it still be there when I get home at 5?? :oops: :think:
Hi GGG - I'm new to the forum but have been following your story... All sounds good to me this time. One of my first signs was white spots/creamy coloured nips - they hadn't looked like that since I was breastfeeding my first 18 months ago! This was the day after AF was due, so I immediately went out to get a test and got my BFP! Only other symptom was some cramping a day or so before AF was due.
Really hope you get your's looking good, think positive! :cheer:
oh this is very exciting GGG I am praying its your month you certainly deserve it girl you've waited a long time. Everything is crossed for you hun best of luck :hug: :hug:
good luck babes - when are you testing???? :pray: i hope this is your month, you deserve it sooo much! :D
Oooh *dances excitedly* quick get BDing :D

But fingers crossed it's already your month :hug:
Think the ewcm normally hangs around for a day or two at least

Get BDing just in case! :cheer:
Get BD girl, even if the EW only hangs around a day it'll help the little spermies hang around longer :wink:

babydust too you, i so hope this is it for ya :pray:
Thanks everyone :D

Had a major session lastnight (well as soon as I got in from work actually lol) so hopefully something will take if it hasnt already - my temps are really misbehaving though so finding it difficult to pin-point any ovualtion, could have been yesterday?

Its annoying, if im not already pregnant from last month then I need to book a 21 day progesterone test as soon as I know when OV occured but my temps are so eratic I dont know whats going on :rotfl: :wall:
hi GGG i think that you may have ovulated late yesterday or maybe going to today, ew comes the day or two before ovulation for me, but on the otherhand if you think you may have got caught last month i am ew mucas and have my bfp :D good luck

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