Wishful thinking?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Iv only stopped talking the pill 3/4 days ago and already im feeling tired, emotional, sore boobs, wanting weird food & normal smells making me feel like im going to throw up! Could i be pregnant or is it just wishful thinking? :oops:
to be honest i dont think you would be pregnant it could be where your wanting to have a baby so much if you know what i mean

good luck with trying though xxxx
I am not sure how long it takes for the pill to get out of your system, they normally say it takes a few months, were you taking it regularly?

Still, people get pregnant whilst on the pill and your symptoms sound promising.

I knew I was pregnant before my missed period as my sense of smell was so strong, the smell of dog food each morning as I fed my doggie made me feel awful.

Good luck and keep us posted xxx
I got pregnant before while on the pill.

Kind of personal question; did you let him do the deed inside you while you were taking the pill. I did and thought id be protected.. yes im dumb :?

Think its a bit to soon for you to be pregnant, but if your curious then why not take a test or wait a bit then take one.
violet-glow said:
I got pregnant before while on the pill.

Kind of personal question; did you let him do the deed inside you while you were taking the pill. I did and thought id be protected.. yes im dumb :?

Think its a bit to soon for you to be pregnant, but if your curious then why not take a test or wait a bit then take one.

im the same as you hun i got PG first time while being on the pill. With colby i had only came of the pill 4 months and when i found out i was PG with her i was already 15 wks pregnant so i fell in the first week of coming off.

Jenna waitand see if your periods do come or not the symptoms could be a sign of them comming just prepare yourself incase your not PG all the best and good luck
i am same as you guys, i got pg on the pill too, wouldnt change a thing:)
suppose peeps r different but i thought pill had to get out of your systems i always had unprotected sex on pill lol (only with partner) haha
Too many people get caught while on the pill without the known slip up of a missed day!

Good luck TTC Jenna x
violet-glow said:
I got pregnant before while on the pill.

Kind of personal question; did you let him do the deed inside you while you were taking the pill. I did and thought id be protected.. yes im dumb :?

Think its a bit to soon for you to be pregnant, but if your curious then why not take a test or wait a bit then take one.

yep he did, other than the pill we always have unprotected sex. And i always leave it in there for a while to help it along :D

iv taken a test and it says im not pregnent but my period is only a day late so maybe its just wishful thinking :( this whole situation is making me very emotional!
Wait a day or wo, then test again, I got a negative, then my BFP two days later-I obviously wasnt producing enuf pregnancy hormones to be detected by a test

It is such an emotional time while you are TTC, its a constant cycle of waiting to ovulate, then waiting to test, getting AF, then the whole thing starts again. Your life exists on two week cycles.

We have all been there, and its so so very hard but try not to beat yourself up if your arent. We were TTC for 18 months, my younger sister announced her pregnancy which really upset me as she hadnt been trying long, we went on holiday to try and relax and I came back PG!!! I was blown away as I had convinced myself it would never happen.

You sound as though you want this so desperatley, and my thoughts and best wishes are with you for the result you so want.

Keep us posted, and good luck, try and relax chicky, it will happen for you, you just have to believe it will xxxxxxxxxxx
when i first came off the pill i had lots of pregnancy symptoms and was convinced i was pg. i didn't have a period for ages either. Then i had one period and the next one i was way late for so thought it was the pill messing me up again and i was pregnant with eva.

sometimes it depends how long you have been on it for. some people get symptoms when they come off it and others dont. but the more you watch out for pg symptoms the more you'll find them if you get what i mean xx
ok i started my period today, it was late but i guess that could have been because it wasnt a normal period because i had stopped taking my pills early, maybe?
Its so painful :cry:
I guess i will have to wait another few weeks then :cry: even though its only been a few days im very disapointed.
i feel pretty emotional about all this! i dont know why, i feel like im a mum but theres no baby :cry:
I think the fact that my husband is excited about it all is making me feel like a right let down!
I guess i just expected to get pregnant stright away and i had symptoms too and even though it might have been because of stopping the pill to me it felt like i had a baby :cry:
with the pill it can take up to 6 months to get pregnant

i wish you all the luck for next time xxxxxx
Sorry you got your AF, but wishing you all the luck for next time hun! But as hevwithbump just said, it can take a while!

You are far from a let down hun, even without the pill, it is a very small percentage of people that fall pg within a few months!

Good Luck!


Tam x
it just seems unfair that some people who dont want kids and arnt going to look after them get pregnant stright away & unplanned. Me & my husband want this so much and its just really disapointing. I know that when our little ones do come it will be the best thing in the world. And its worth waiting for! :D
Indeed it will be babe, the best things come to those who wait :wink:
Hi Jenna, sorry you got a BFN but why don't you have a real go next month? Get some ovulation sticks to pinpoint when you are fertile and take the magic medicine and use positive thinking! I didn't have a period for nearly a year after coming off the pill so at least your system is back to normal quickly. When I got my BFP I BD the day before ovulation and the day of ovulation only. I also put a pillow under my bum after (don't know if this helped but its worth a try!

Mountains of luck for next month xx

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