wish us luck! *UPDATE. we LOVED IT!*

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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House was fantastic, decorated nicely, all clean and neat and tidy. GORGEOUS kitchen, exactly how i'd choose! SO much more storage, bigger garden, garage/shed as storage too, built in HUGE wardrobes, WHITE bathroom suite. Quiet area and just generally rather lovely!

We're handing in our application tomorrow, let's hope we get it as it costs £60 to apply :wink:

We're going to view a house at 4pm today. One to rent. It's in the same area (5 min walk from here) not so close to a noisey road, 2 DOUBLE bedrooms (we have one double and one box here) a kitchen diner and TWO reception rooms! Plus driveway and garden.

At the moment we have a teeny kitchen and a teeny living room - with the stairs going up in the living room and NO other space at all!

And we're paying £25 more a month than the one we're going to see!!!!!!!!!

I'm hoping it'll be ok :) there is still a tennant in there at the moment :)

so wish us luck!
Good luck ladybird! Hope you get it if you want it!!!
good luck sweetie, i hope you and matt like it :hug: (and fi of course :lol: )
bet you will love it! I can never understand the way rented houses are priced. We live in a house (granted its big) but its moudly and fittings and fixtures fall off left right and centre and our landlord is going to put the rent up again! Luckily we are moving into a fab house with garage and off road parking and an extra bedroom and its only a couple of quid more! Madness! If you love it grab it!
glad you liked the house,it sounds fab.keeping everything crossed for you xx

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