I've used ACAS in the past for advice. I pay the GMB to represent me so hopefully they'll sort it! Lol! Fingers crossed eh?
Sent OH to shops earlier for biggest bag of cadburys buttons. Been feeling sorry for myself today Xx
I just dont get some companies and why they think they can get away with crap like that!
I really thought mine would cause problems because my colleague who is ready to drop almost didnt get the extra maternity entitlements ie 10 weeks full pay but suprisingley they have been fine with me, i feel so lucky.
I really sympathise with you and hope your union rep helps you out xxx
glad youre onto the union. Hope they can help. Most advisors would tell an employer not to dismiss a pregnant empoyee unless there is clear gross misconduct. Its a legal nightmare, and theyve left themselves wide open to being presecuted for gender discrimination. Just make sure you keep all the paperwork you have both from work and your doctor/hospital including appointment letters and sick notes. Let us know what the union say!
Me and the rep were drafting our appeal letter today. He's come up with some really good points They mentioned that i'd left work early and come in late a few times last year because of doc appointments and migraine - i'm entitle to flextime in my contract so they've messed up there!
Also that because my op was rescheduled for social reasons (my fault for being too honest with my manager) I may not have needed the 3 day period when cyst was infected before I was hospitalised.
They'll get their come-uppance. Union know exactly what my manager is like, she's bullied one bloke out of the office a year ago and another into early retirement just after christmas, she's a sly one! P*ssing snake in the grass I tell thee! lol!
Thanks for all the well wishes, i'll keep you posted! Xx
Union think there may be some problem with the legalities of Nestlé dismissing me 6 days after my maternity leave starts! Hahahaa! I hope there bloody is! Got my work cut out for my this aft! Currently writing my appeal letter and we're also throwing a grievance in there too!
Just abouts finished both letters - just in time for tea! - Union rep is going to have a look over them tomorrow and i'll be handing them in to the Dept Managers Manager (if that makes sense!) on Mon
Touch wood i've said enough and he'll take my side...! Fingers crossed! X
just caught on to this thread - some companies are completely ridiculous!! it makes me hate work sometimes. i had a similar situation to this although i didn't have a legitimate sickness like yourself so i deffo think you have yourself a case there, and good for you to sticking to your guns!! i would've backed down immediatly, all that law stuff intimidates me! lol.
let us know what is said about the appeal letters! i'm really interested too.
also don't worry about money! it's the worst thing to worry about, i have a few problems of my own regarding this issue but there's always a way around it hun
I had my union rep look over my appeal letter and grievance letter on Fri and he's happy with them so i'm sending them both in with a good friend (she works in another dept) tomorrow morning.
Way I look at it is, i've nothing to lose so might as well! Plus the extra cash would be a bonus! lol! x
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