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wish i hadnt said anything


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I happened to mention to my hubby that id put on almost three stone since being pregnant... i so wish i hadnt said anything. He that is why i have had back ache, because of the extra weight ive put on. I got a bit offended and told him and he said he loves me and my extra weight wouldnt change that.

Yesterday we popped out to get some baby stuff and stopped off to get some pizza, in the queue he said he would need to eat alot of pizza to get a belly like mine:shakehead: There were people around so i stood to the side to show off my obviously pregnant tum and said im not just fat, im pregnant! He said he was only joking, but it really hurt me.

Im getting conscious of eating in front of him now, ive told him how i feel and he carries on making comments.:mad:
oh dear think i would be really upset perhaps he just thinks he is messing about and that u wont be offended??
hope he stops it x
Men are very insensitive sometimes!! That is a very normal amount of weight to put on! exactly the same as me at that stage x
Aw honey I can totally sympathise with you. My OH was lying in bed the other day, and I was naked looking at myself in a full length mirror in room and I said to him "god I look so fat, do you think I am fat?" and he's reply was "not being funny, yeah." I cried a lot. and the other day in front of his friendshe shouted over to me "oi beached whale" and I sat in his van in a big fat strop because that really annoyed me. I don't think men have a clue how upsetting it is for a woman to feel like that, i tell him off a lot if I get any weight comments now! So your not alone at all. Xx
Aww, sorry to hear he's being so insensitive!
Luckily my OH has actually put more weight on than me in my pregnancy so he can't talk! I have told him he will have to lose his 'baby weight' when I do though lol!
Well how very rude and insensitive of your OH hun!!If my hubby had said anything like that to me hed have got a slap!!Have you told him to stop being an arse?xxx
I would turn round and say "Well my tum may be getting bigger, but your d**k is getting smaller!" he will be paranoid for WEEKS :D
lol, i will have to try that.

I think he is being like this because over the past week my tummy has really grown alot.

He is one of those people that says stuff then when u get offended says yhat he was only joking.
How far along are you? I just dont think men think sometimes and they are very black or white in their response. Try not to take it to heart but I can see why it would be upsetting.

Flexi I cant imagine you looking anything but gorgeous and if mine had said that I would have left home!!
Don't worry Collete, men just don't get why we would be senstitive about comments like that, esp with all the hormones flowing round. Tell him your supposed to be putting on a spurt now as at 33 weeks onwards as you are baby is supposed to be putting on weight.

My OH needs to loose at least 5 stone, he is bulky so would look silly skinny but still for his health and as it's mostly belly, needs to loose big time I never say anything, he has to do it. Then I put on a belly, he says I'm huge, when really i'm only small compared to lots in pregnancy, and comments how other pregnant ladies are looking tiny compared to me, I think he thinks it's funny. So I say well at least I will loose my belly in 5 weeks time! Ove the 4 pregnancys I will have put on 6.5 stone totaled, 3x 1.5 stone and 1x 2 stone, and I think he has prob gained that much since 1998 too and still has it!!!! (we will have the last laugh!)
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Awwww that's terrible. They don't have a clue. I've been with my hubby for nearly 14 years now and in that times he's not put a pound on but I've got bigger and bigger! Im a little paranoid but he knows i eat sensibly and im not a hog its just the way life is unfortunately. Maybe a burst into tears next time he says something in front of his friends then he'll look and feel like a right b&@tard.
I have talked to him about this in detail last night and he was really apologetic. Hopefully this will be the end of it now.
Thanks for all the support guys.
Men are just not as sensitive as us! Hopefully he will have took on board your feelings.
as a guy I think he is being quite insensitive to be fair. comments like that might be good banter in a non-pregnant situation but I know just how crap Emma feels about herself a lot of the time at the moment so I wouldnt be saying anything like that!!
There the ones who helped make our beans... we have to thank them, however frustrating they can be at times lol xx
Thank them??? More like blame them for not being able to carry it for 9 months too, they do the fun bit and then leave it to us!
I'm hormonal, therefore allowed to be irrational :P
Oh chick, he probably means it in jest, but I would too be offended if I thought he was going beyond funny. Tell him you don't find it amusing and that he is part to blame for you 'baby weight problem' and he too needs to take responsibility!! Also point out that you are 'pregnant' and point out how stupid he is to not understand how a womans body works when she is carrying a baby... get him a book; and point out how we are blessed with the ability to carry babies and I think the bursting in to tears in public next time he says something like that is great as it will embarras him. When you give birth make sure you hold his hand and squeeze it, dig your nails in really hard with every contraction.. then he may understand you a little better. Make him love your bump.. Hugs xxxI just realised I responded earlier to your remark; I re read your comment xx
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