Window shopping???

Sounds like it! I always believe in fate! If it's ment to happen then it will!
Be strong Hun it'll be perfect xx
i was impressed with my iCandy Apple. got the jogger wheel and the double wheels cause we plan to have no 2 soon ish aftert this one.

but think will start buying a few bits now. my mum got us 3 knitted blankets and they are soo cute. even my husband liked them.
We are also planning to buy a load of wool once we have announced to everyone and give it to my OH's nan to start knitting :) xx
I'm glad you said that about the Quinny, that was one of the ones I was looking at. I quite like the Silver Cross travel systems and Graco do some nice ones too.
I had said i'd wait until my scan to buy anything but i've just 'accidentally' won a Babybjorn on ebay for £7!!! I wasnt going to get one but a friend of mind recommended it. Her daughter was clingy as a baby so she just plonked her in the babybjorn and carried on with the housework! I never thought of doing that with my daughter who hated being put down, but I fully intend to do it this time!
Bargain hun! We do a lot of dog walking so someone has recommended the babybjorn and the Phil & Ted pushchair. Anyone had any experience with these pushchair? I get so confused when I start looking at pushchairs and travel systems! xxx
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Hi hunny. My friend has just got a Phil and teds. I've only ever used a double side by side one. It was fab but I got so many punctures!! It was only cause I used to walk into town via thepark and only after a yr or so and a lot of punctures later I realisedit wasbecause I was walking past a prickle bush so the tiny spikes got stuck in the tyre!
They are lovely to push. Very easy.
The shopping baskets are brill too.

I really liked the silver cross surf. But gone off it now as it's not got a deep carry cot unless you buy it separate. I just liked the idea of baby being all snuggled in a pram with sides around it if that makes sense?

You can't beat the good old mclarean!! Never had a pro lem with it xx
you can buy green gell stuff to put in those type of tires, i had a friend who ran a pram shop and she recomended it.
I love the iCandy, got a big carry cot up to 6months and the chair is decent as well. Plus you can change it into a double (thats my plan)

teutiona is a good make.
Loving all these recommendations, I googled prams and travel systems and ended up with a headache. I also like the iCandy. I want a pram that is going to last as I know so many people who have full travel systems and seem to use them for 5 mins before swapping them for a buggy xx
you need to go to a few local pram shops and ask them, they all fave there fave (ie which one has the better mark up) but ive played with a few, iCandy, Teutiona, phil and teds and britax. they are all good. but i think iCandy is the more versitile of them.
i got mine 2nd hand off ebay for £175 for chassis, seat and carry cot.
there are some relaly good 2nd hand ones out there.
I had a Hauck 3 wheeler with my daughter. It had a carry cot, the seat was forward and rear facing and it was really sturdy. It was perfect for shopping and for walking along footpaths, the seafront etc. The only downside is that it was quite bulky when it was folded up.
I've not seen the icandy ones before, i'll have to have a look. There are so many to choose from!
I just bought my first baby related thing - maternity leggings! my normal ones are cutting into my stomach!
Babybo I am going to be questioning you so much as I get a bit further along!!

Me & DH have no idea on what car seats we should buy, what pram we should go for etc etc.... neither of us have experience with babies/children so don't know where to start. And I worry that if I go into Mamas & Papas for example they'll just tell me the best pram is their most expensive... so difficult to know where to start!! :wall2:

I haven't bought anything yet, I've just had Beatrix Potter book collection stashed away for about 5 years when we first started talking about wanting children as I used to love those books as a child :)


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