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i'm really starting to go off Midwives and health visitors - as they say conflicting things.
I was told Breast fed babies don't get wind - well Ewan does get wind and had colic for the first month, he still brings up wind after a feed and if i don't wind him there is hell to pay! Gripe water was good after a feed anfd i gave it to him before he was 6 weeks and just gave him half a dose and that worked very well.

I don't like the idea of waking up baby to be fed as if yours are anything like mine a bomb could go off and he would still be comatosed if he is in a deep sleep. If he is producing lots of wet/dirty nappies i wouldn't worry he will wake up when he is hungry.

Choking - some times my milk flows so fast it chokes him but he seems to cope with it really well - coughs and then tries to get back on asap!
He also used to sleep on his side when he was 6 weeks old and nothing would stop him from doing that! he seemed comfortable to i left him.

Try to relax and go with the flow - Ewan is coming up to 5 Months old soon - a he is my first and i worried my self silly in the 1st 2 months but he is growing well now and feeding and starting to take solids. i don't get him weighed as i think people obsess with their babies weight. and i am happy with him he is a content baby, if he wasn't feeding then i would be worried. sorry for my rant! but i think there is too much info from HV's and MV's some who haven't even got kids!
I was told to wind even when b/feeding - so yes they are conflicting!!

I wouldn't wake Damien routinely if he wasn't prem, but we have to. I hope to let him settle in his own routine asap though, especially at night. I think we have to do it till he is at least 2 months old, just to make sure he is on track for size/weight when he is just past his actually due date. But after 2 months of routine he may just stay that way for a while, who knows!

Midwives told me not to let Damien sleep on his side - but if he sleeps that way happily instead of on his back then what can I do? I'd rather have a rested happy baby on his side than an unhappy grounchy baby on his back.
Yes the info is conflicting. When I was in hospital, the midwives put Rubie on her side to sleep and never told me not to. Also, my midwife has told me to wake Rubie for her feeds every 2 - 3 hours as she doesn't ask for a feed at all during the day but seems to want to feed all night. The midwife said if I wake her in the day she wont be so hungry on the night so may sleep better. My GP said this is not the case and wouldn't work but it has and Rubie has slept through from 1am to 7am at 6 days old.
Brody also likes to sleep on his side.....weird huh?

I lay him on his back but when I check later he's normally on his you say there's not a fat lot you can do about it!
i used to sit there windi9ng dior for hrs i couldnt settle unless i heard her burp but i found just sitting her upright and giving her a gentle lil bonce on my knee or up on my shoulder brought the burp up :)
Im having exactly the same problem with Ruby. Shes not screaming at all but boy does she get those legs up and the pain in her face makes me want to cry. You can see it in her face just how much it hurts. We didnt know what it was at first as it only started a couple of days ago so yesterday we rang the midwife who suggested we bring Ruby up to the hospital to get checked out, do you know we waited 3 hours to see someone and then decided to forget about it as we reckoned it was wind anyway. So much for help up there though, we were told it was bank holiday so they only had one baby Dr on duty.
Anyway back to the wind problem, Im rambling again!!!!
We got some Infacol and I have to say last night was bliss. OK she woke up every 2 hours to feed but then she went straight back to sleep again. None of the grunting noises like she needed to poo it was heaven.
Ive been giving it to her before every feed but the HV told me today I should give it to her every other feed. Not sure whats best now really. But I do have to say so far so good. Its worked for me.
Infacol what is it?? Sorry I'm new to this. Rubie never seems to burp and it takes her a while to settle after a feed so maybe I need to get some?
Kim, infacol is used to help bring up babys wind. you give it before they start their bottle. Tesco, boots superdrug etc all sell it!
It looks like this:


Does anyone use infacol AND gripe water?... or do you choose one and stick with it?
ToriElla said:
Sami said:
DR BROWN BOTTLES!!! - My saviour!!!

where do you get them from? i've never seen them :?

I got mine from Mothercare, the larger Boots stores do them too. They are about £6 per large bottle (didnt see the point of getting little ones) but they are definately worth it.
AS it's a new page I'll ask my question again:

Do you/Can you use infacol AND gripe water together? Like infacol before a feed, then if the wind is still not coming up, can you try gripe water?
As far i know urchin it is fine to use them together. i used to when jamie was younger, would give him infacol at the start of a feed and if he was still suffering bad with wind by the time he finished his bottle i would give a teaspoon of gripe water!


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