i'm really starting to go off Midwives and health visitors - as they say conflicting things.
I was told Breast fed babies don't get wind - well Ewan does get wind and had colic for the first month, he still brings up wind after a feed and if i don't wind him there is hell to pay! Gripe water was good after a feed anfd i gave it to him before he was 6 weeks and just gave him half a dose and that worked very well.
I don't like the idea of waking up baby to be fed as if yours are anything like mine a bomb could go off and he would still be comatosed if he is in a deep sleep. If he is producing lots of wet/dirty nappies i wouldn't worry he will wake up when he is hungry.
Choking - some times my milk flows so fast it chokes him but he seems to cope with it really well - coughs and then tries to get back on asap!
He also used to sleep on his side when he was 6 weeks old and nothing would stop him from doing that! he seemed comfortable to i left him.
Try to relax and go with the flow - Ewan is coming up to 5 Months old soon - a he is my first and i worried my self silly in the 1st 2 months but he is growing well now and feeding and starting to take solids. i don't get him weighed as i think people obsess with their babies weight. and i am happy with him he is a content baby, if he wasn't feeding then i would be worried. sorry for my rant! but i think there is too much info from HV's and MV's some who haven't even got kids!
I was told Breast fed babies don't get wind - well Ewan does get wind and had colic for the first month, he still brings up wind after a feed and if i don't wind him there is hell to pay! Gripe water was good after a feed anfd i gave it to him before he was 6 weeks and just gave him half a dose and that worked very well.
I don't like the idea of waking up baby to be fed as if yours are anything like mine a bomb could go off and he would still be comatosed if he is in a deep sleep. If he is producing lots of wet/dirty nappies i wouldn't worry he will wake up when he is hungry.
Choking - some times my milk flows so fast it chokes him but he seems to cope with it really well - coughs and then tries to get back on asap!
He also used to sleep on his side when he was 6 weeks old and nothing would stop him from doing that! he seemed comfortable to i left him.
Try to relax and go with the flow - Ewan is coming up to 5 Months old soon - a he is my first and i worried my self silly in the 1st 2 months but he is growing well now and feeding and starting to take solids. i don't get him weighed as i think people obsess with their babies weight. and i am happy with him he is a content baby, if he wasn't feeding then i would be worried. sorry for my rant! but i think there is too much info from HV's and MV's some who haven't even got kids!