
Damien seems to have so much problem with bring up his wind at the moment and it's beginning to bring me down a bit. I spend half an hour giving him his milk (50-70mls) every 3 hours, but spend a further hour to 1.5 hours trying to burp him, and even then he still goes to sleep with wind. He is either puking his food up or just spending the next hour or 2 making grunting noises. He hasn't got colic as he isnt screaming in pain but he certainly has something wrong there.
Was at the doctors last night as he was throwing up his food for 24 hours and hadn't kept much down at all. He said to try him on infacol and we got some from Tesco but it isnt doing much.
I know premature babies have a harder time bring wind up as their tummies are delicate and their windpipe is softer but this is making me crazy. I have no time to sleep inbetween feeding and burping and now my milk is drying up because I have no rest and I'm having to give him forumla which I ideally didn't want him to have. The more of my milk he gets, the quicker he will get stronger and put weight on.
I've asked the midwife and HV but both say just keep trying to wind him, try this position and that position but it's not working.
Sorry I've probably rambled but I am at a loss and I hate listening to him so uncomfortable and him being sick :(
Hey Sami

Phoebe had this for the first 3weeks. Although she did scream from about 9.30pm until 12.30am so we assumed it was colic. The midwife suggested Infacol which we now use before EVERY feed. It did take about a week and a half to see any real difference but now it definately makes life 10 times easier. Phoebe now burps once during a feed and at least once at the end. And although she can't yet burp on her own she does fart loads. Bare with the Infacol honey. You will see results xxx
i am sorry you are having such a hard time winding him, if you have tried Infacol and that hasn't worked i would suggest maybe a little bit of cooled boild water in another bottle for him to sip after a feed, and also try winding him a couple of times before he finishes his bottle as it may be building up and this is whats making him sick.

Good luck and let me know how you get on
Jo x
Not sure how you feel about a dummy but I have found this also helps Phoebe with her wind. Let him suck it for a while and then try and burp him. It seems to do the trick most of the time for Phoebe. I think premature babies find it harder to bring up wind because just the feed probably tires him out so much!! I really wanted to breastfeed but Phoebe just wouldn't latch on. Eventually the midwife and nurse at the hospital told me to give up and either express or give formula feeds. She was just too lazy apparantly. I think thats why she has bad wind too. She's too lazy to burp whereas Damien is probably too tired!! Bless xxx
We do give her cooled boiled water too as Jo suggested although I'm not sure this has made a real difference but she likes it anyway!!
i found bottles, breastfeeding and dummies gave Ewan wind what ever i did. i found that gripe water helped. don't use dentinox drops they made Ewan scream with the taste of it!!
Sometime i found if i put ewan down for a while then picked him up he would burp, or even going up and down the stairs brought wind up!!
We give Damiren a dummy but he won't take it till before his next feed...will try that though and see!!

he only seems happier to be sick when he is on his left side, but we canmt leave him like that because of cot death, etc, and that terrifies me. I'm so scared he be sick and swallow it back and choke.

With the cooled boiled water - do you give that in another bottle or can I do the 'cup feeding' thing?? How much should you give them ?
hey sami try burping him after every ounce ethan had real trouble with his wind but that helped also lay him on his tummy across ur legs and gently rock side to side whilst stroking and patting his bk that worked wonders,also the warmer the feed the better wind came up and it took a while before any of the colic drop things worked on him so stick with it hun aslo try doing a gentle clock wise massage on his belly for a few mins then bring his legs up to his chest mw suggested that to me as tiny little air bubbles get caught in there system and the massage helps move them along hope some of this helps we soon got over the stage of trapped burps i dont even have to :lol: ethan up now before he burps lol
Totally agree with what zor-el said.. i have to say i used infacol and it just made jamie sick and would bring up loads of his feed. since i stopped using it ive had no trouble at all. this probley doesnt apply to all babies though so keep using it and see how you get on.
I also used to wind him after every ounce and this really helped even when sometimes he would be so impateint coz hes hungry but if i fed him more then the wind would build up and he would either be really uncomfortable or be sick quite a lot as he took to much at once!

hmmm well dont really think ive helped much! hope it makes sence!! lol :shock:
Sami : I give Phoebe as much boiled water as she wants. She doesn't tend to take more than about 30mls at a time and she doesn't have water everyday.
I can't see why you can't give water to Damien in a cup. I had to do cup feeding in hospital because Phoebe wouldn't latch on and they seem to encourage it.
As for the dummy. Phoebe was exactly the same as Damien. She would never take it and if she did she couldn't work out how to keep it in her mouth!! We still have a bit of trouble with that now but she's learning. We went out and brought those dummies designed for newborns with the tiny flat teat bit and she's always hated them!! She will only use the Tesco own 2pack cheap dummies with gigantic teats!!!! Typical!!
Stay strong Sami. You'll be amazed at how quickly these things improve. I lost all faith and was very down for a week or so but Phoebe has really settled down now and we are finally getting to know eachother properly. xxx
also my hv advised me to give cooled boiled water as a feed in between feeds not sure why lol but i did it a few times i got some brilliant massage gel and after ethan had a bath i did massage and even if he didnt need winding he had bottom wind after the massage lol u can get all sorts of massage gel from boots i got a mild lavendar one to help calm him :lol:
I'm trying Brody with infacol, but some days he has no problems and others he has been up half the night!

People who are breastfeeding.... how does your diet affect wind?
I've found I can't have cabbage/sprouts etc or spicy food... we went to Nandos and had peri peri chicken and boy did I pay for it!?

My main problem with infacol is rememebering to give it before I feed him... any tips anyone... my brain is fried!
Have about 10 bottles of the stuff Urchin!! We have loads of the stuff. One in each room and the changing bag etc!!!
That way you're more likely to remember even with a fried brain!!

What I want to know is when do you stop giving it to them? Phoebe burps fine now but the Infacol took about a week to start making a difference and I can't go back to how she used to be!! (Colic). I'm terrified that if I stop giving it to her she'll get her wind probs back and then it'll take another week for the Infacol to kick in again. Any suggestions?
BubbleOne said:
Have about 10 bottles of the stuff Urchin!!

That's so funny we have 3 bottles, 2 of which are in THIS VERY ROOM and I have just fed him without it AGAIN....Even after what I just posted....I'm losing it!!!
Quick question... does anyone here use gripe water?

I know you can't use it till they are 1 month old, but how do you use it... is it before or after a feed?

I wish you could give infacol after... cos I always remember just as I finish feeding LOL
Gripe water can be used before or after - it worked better on Dom as he just had plain wind :)
minikins said:
Gripe water can be used before or after - it worked better on Dom as he just had plain wind :)

Right, 6 days to go before he's a month old yipee!
I bought some infacol today after this topic! Seems like it's best to be prepared for the windier days :D
Thomas has started to throw up his food too. He is not a premature baby, was born at 40 weeks though.

Yesterday, he was asking for loads of food, every hour but then he threw it up. Thomas is a sleepy baby and always falls asleep while feeding on the breast. He several times swallowed the milk badly and started "choking" making this horrible noise. So now as soon as he starts falling asleep, I wind him.
Last night he could not sleep, was asking for loads of food too but I was afraid of him chocking or being sick. Anyway, he asked for food until 3 am this morning, must have fed him 4 or 5 times between 10 pm and 3 am.

This morning, he is just sleeping. I woke him twice for his feeds but only managed to drink for 5 minutes before sleeping and nothing is waking him up for long enough.

This starts to worry me as I do not know if it is normal for a baby to be sick after eating. He never goes on the second breast as he does not even manage 20 minutes on one breast but his pooh and wee seem fine. I am seeing the midwife on tuesday, seems a long time though when you are worrying.

Brody always falls asleep too, and never seems to make it to the second breast.
However, he's putting on loads of weight so I'm not worried about it. Your baby will let you know when he is hungry, so I wouldn't worry too much, just ask the MW to weigh him to put your mind at rest.

As for winding, although my MW said breastfed babies hardly need winding, I've found Brody always swallows air as he latches on :?
Also, I've found it takes a while to get it up...but after struggling through a few nights I've decided to wind him for aaaages after feed, sometimes he won't be crying or anything but will do a mega burp afte 5-10 minutes of winding.
I will wind him if he's awake or asleep too... as he falls asleep even sitting up having his back patted, so I'd say just stick with it and try and get as much wind up in the day as you can, as it will all build up for night time as we found out!
DR BROWN BOTTLES!!! - My saviour!!!

From advice from the midwife I went and bought 4 Dr Brown bottles. They are brilliant. They may be quite expensive at about £6 per bottle, but they have helped him loads. He is not as sick as he used to be and the feeding routine has been cut from up to 2 hours to about 1 hour. Still using the infacol too but he is so much better and we can finally sleep properly!

Leaning Damien forward instead of being completely upright when winding him seems to help. I spend a good 5-10 minutes patting and rubbing, and then another 15minutes or so just sitting him upright which sometimes brings up his wind if he hasn't done whilst patting and rubbing his back. I still wind him whther he is asleep or awake.

The dummy trick has worked a few times - thats for that Bubble.

Urchin/Futuremum - I was told at my breastfeeding talk (prior to Damien being born) that it's not a problem if they don't switch to the second breast before a feed is finished, as you have fore milk and hind milk. If he stays on just one side he'll get the hind milk aswell as the fore milk, and this is alot more fattier in content, and apparently keeps your supply going better. Whether it's totally true I don't know as I never got the chance to breast feed properly but it's 'new findings'.

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