

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Quite often Phoebe will fall asleep whilst having her bottle which makes it pretty impossible to get any wind out of her.
I've always wind her halfway through, but she sometimes falls asleep on the last half, and she just will not wake up to wind.
I've tried tickling her foot to keep her awake during her feed and I've tried moving her and changing position but nothing will wake her up when she's properly asleep.
Trouble is she always wakes up an hour or so later with tummy ache and the wind comes out the other end which seems to hurt her because she cries whenever she farts :(

Any tips?

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Wow rach we are so in sync! I was just coming on to start a thread about the bottles I'm
Using and wind!! Xx
hi hun, ella is the same! i walk up and down the stairs with her once she has fallen to sleep and she always brings her wind up whilst still asleep x
Leandros the same. what I do is carry on winding normally for about 15 minutes or so and he sometines wakes up and does a massive burp. but sometimes that doesnt work and I lay him on his side and when he squirms I try again. the thing with him is if he doesn't burp he vomits. are you still using the aptamil comfort? I switched to cow and gate comfort and he's much better on it xxx
Try laying her down for 10 mins then pick her up and wind her again that should help bringing it up but that's only my experience other than that just keep persevering as she grows and is sitting straighter it will come easier cx
I get that with Tyler as he's terrible at falling asleep while feeding!! He's only started getting wind this week dunno if it's because he's gulping too much!!

O gets a windy bum if I isn't winded after feed but I found colic drop in his bottle once a day and he basically burps after his feeds on his own.

I switched mainly because of this reason. i used 2 boxes of aptamil comfort and nothing then my Mum and fair few older people said they fed their children on cow and gate or sma and that aptamil is a fairly new brand. so I tried cow and gate and from about half the box I noticed v change in his winding xxx
Cesca's always done this and still quite often does. Hold her on your shoulder and rub her back like you would do to wind her normally and walk around, eventually the wind comes up, just got to be patient xx
Yeah she's still on Aptamil comfort and colief drops. It's not too bad during the day she tends to wind a lot easier then, it's mainly at night. I think maybe perserverance is key then, one midwife told me she won't bring up any wind while asleep! Grr! But obviously they can then. I think because of that I haven't been trying for as long when she is asleep. I'll have to try it for longer.
Thanks girls, I swear I get more correct information and advise of you girls than any midwife. This place is a godsend xx
Same here. If G does not do a burp after food he wakes up in half an hour :( I try to wind him even if he falls asleep - I put him over my shoulder and rub his back. It doesn't even wake him up and he burps in his sleep :) sometimes it takes ages though :(

Infacol seems to help a little...
funny you set up this thread. Leandro did a tiny burp and fell asleep so put him down after 15 mins then went to feed him a bit more( only had about 2 oz) then he projectil vomited all over us bless him xx
I would still wind anyway even if LO is sleeping, you dont need them to be awake, the wind still comes up the same. Thats why LO is wakening up shortly after a feed, coz she hasn't been winded. Just carry on as normal even if she is sleeping.

We carry on winding Sophie even if she's asleep, I just keep her over my shoulder and have a bit of a dance around. Other times we put her down in her basket or crib and wait till she wakes up herself again which is usually only about 5/10mins if she hasn't finished her bottle or has only had an ounce or so and then pick her back up and carrying on winding her x
Have you tried giving her gripe water before her bottle, it really helps the wind to come up by itself, you can even put it in the milk, which is easier :) x x
Oh I forgot to say we are using infacol with soph and it really helps :) xx

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