

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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My babs is nearly 4 month, always wind him after feeds, but after his last one at 11pm he's fast on and I sit winding but never get any up! Will it harm just to lay him straight down after if he's fast asleep? X
This is what I have to do at night otherwise I'm sat here all night rubbing. I find the more awake she is the easier it is to wind. I do sit and gold her upright against my body and rub/pat and hope something comes up but it doesn't always. X
I have given up on night time winding about a month ago. He is just a sleep and there is now way to wind him unless I fully wake him up and don't want to do that. It does mean that the air comes out the other end during the night (quite loudly lol). So can't see any harm in that.
I never used to wind zac if he fell asleep during a feed x
Yeah you're all right! And he never cries so he can't be that uncomfortable!! X
I have given up on night time winding about a month ago. He is just a sleep and there is now way to wind him unless I fully wake him up and don't want to do that. It does mean that the air comes out the other end during the night (quite loudly lol). So can't see any harm in that.

Lol yeah Lizzie does a few good farts in her sleep too!
i rarely wind noa atall. he sometimes burp when i sit him up after a feed. he dont seem to mind as he dont cry. he also farts alot tho
I never used to wind at night, never caused a problem :)

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He'd let you know if he has wind! I always put charley on my chest at night after a feed for about 5mins as it's the only time he let's me cuddle him cos he's to sleepy to protest and normally within those 5mins he's done a little burp!!
Freddie never burps when he's sleepy, I don't know whether it's cos they're more relaxed or what, but yes there are a few impressive trumps in the night.
I can never seem to get wind up at night either. I think it has something to do with the fact they are more relaxed (not sure though). I have been dream feeding him and was told I didn;t have to wind after as they are relaxed.
Ok great, thanks all that puts my mind at rest! Like you say he's not bothered or upset by it and I try for ages but nothing!! X
Chaz - that's so cute, a special little snuggle moment and a
Bonus if he burps x

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