

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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since finding out im pregnant i seem to be suffering so bad from wind at both ends, it don't matter what i eat or drink its always the same.
any advise of what to do ect? i swear my OH thinks im turning into a bloke lol
thanks in advance :D
i cant offer you any advice, sometimes its just good to know your not on your own.
my family are avoiding me like the plague at the minute, :shock: :oops:

not a lot that we can do except avoid quiet situations such as meetings ect lol
pg OH too. She puts me to shame with her belching. I just cant compete any more :rotfl:
Yep, im another one!

We went round to my OH's mums for T tonight...i couldn't wait to get outside so i could let rip!!!! :oops: was torture!
tallulah73 said:
Yep, im another one!

We went round to my OH's mums for T tonight...i couldn't wait to get outside so i could let rip!!!! :oops: was torture!

im glad im not the only one, i bent over today to pick LO up and it just came out, my eldest started laughing at me :rotfl:
Well!!!! i was up lastnight (about 2am) with horrendous period pains.. i went to the toilet coz i was in agony, and what do you think happened, i had an absurd amount of wind for about 15 minutes! no joke i have no idea where it all came from!! but then i was fine, weird! :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol Beth - that is hilarious. I didn't realise it was possible to have wind for that length of time :rotfl: I am always farting and burping atm, a right bloke these days. Lucky my OH doesn't care as he always says better out than in, he's never been bothered when wind strikes me normally (not when Pg). I not the most ladylike person in the world :oops:
Your OH is right Christina - it is ebtter out than in.. i get awful period pains with it, its not good when i have to get p in the nights with it, its either wind or nose bleeds these days! argh!
I had this in 1st tri, then it got better, and now its awful!!!

Not only am i windy from both ends i'm also constipated (a very rare thing for me) so bloody uncomfortable too!!
Aw Clare, that doesnt sound fun.. Well at least if goes a bit, something to look forward to :D

And your going camping :O brave girl!
sorry to hear about your poo problems hun! I'm lucky I haven't had the constipation, only the other which in my opinion is better!! Although how either can be nice I don't know :roll:

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