Will you keep working?

I would love to give up work but really cant afford too! when i have my next one i will try to find a part time nanny job (im a qualified nursery nurse) that way i should be able to take the baby and my son will be in full time school by then. eventually i really want to go back to college than uni and qualify as a midwife.
Don't get me wrong if we could afford for me to be a stay at home mum I would do it in a flash. But unless we win the lottery the mortgage is just too much :-(
I know that sucks princess, think i would want go back to work part time after a couple of years at home though, loved my job as a nurse, would make me sad thinking of not returning to it.

Guess it depends on how many babies we will have, how long i would stay home.
Firstly, princess I am so so jealous - you have my dream job, I would love to have been in the police ;(
I am an eye specialist and am hoping to work up until my due date, before my mc my boss agreed this would be fine. I don't have a strenuous job, I love my collegues and would be bored to tears at home. I would rather have more time off when baby actually arrives xxx
We've been working on our financial situation for about 6 years, saving everything we can towards me being a stay at home mum. Two benefits for us - we're already used to living on less and we've got loads put aside for later.

As with others, we were both brought up by stay at home mums and it's really important to us that we do the same for our children.

I don't intend to work again until they are at school!!! Scary thought!!!
i would love to be a full time mum....if i had thought about it years ago i would have saved longer and harder!! all young ladies should be told all this at school...he he xx
I'm going to be a stay at home Mum, but I'm about to set up a new business I can run from home.

Hi Starfish,

I have always worked in fashion and I love restoring and customizing vintage clothes and handbags for myself and everyone always loves them so I'm going to start selling them.

What kind of clothes are you selling, what designers etc? Maybe we could do business?

Nothing vintage unfortunately. Ralph Lauren, Agnes B, Crew clothing, stuff like that. Total bummer I just sold a Giorgio Armani suit from the 70's, 100% silk, which I would gladly have just given to you if I had known.

That sounds fabulous! Will you let us know a web address if you get one? I hope its very sucessful!

My grandmother has asked me to help her go through her wardrobe, I'll definitely PM you if I find any forgotten treats in there. But though she was raised in a mansion but then spent her married life on a dairy farm so its unlikely any of the tea dresses survived the muck! lol
Me and DH have waited this long to have children so that we can give them the best that we can. We have a nice home and no debts the plan is for me to be a stay at home mum and still be financially comfortable but if things get strained then I will get a part time job.... Just need my bfp now!!
Yep will do Starfish..

Let me know if you find any treasure!

Me and DH have waited this long to have children so that we can give them the best that we can. We have a nice home and no debts the plan is for me to be a stay at home mum and still be financially comfortable but if things get strained then I will get a part time job.... Just need my bfp now!!

That's very similar to me Vicky, got everything but the baby :)

I don't really do much of anything anyway, just whatever needs doing re the properties we own and whatever else i'm asked to.

The plan is to get myself a handful of kids and then once they are all at school, then start looking into a profession. Starting work at 35 still give me 35 years hard labour lol
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police officer (boo and hiss I know) .

No boo hisses from here!!

I am Police Staff and OH is a RP Sgt!!

I work 3 days a week in a job I adore and am passionate about, he works shifts but they can be flexible, so if the dream becomes reality, hopefully we'll get by with minimal childcare needs as one of us will be around most of the time, and we'd need to do this financially too.

However if the chance arose and we won the lottery I'd ditch the job immediately to stay at home!!

Could you get a part time job untill BFP and try and fit in writing as much as you can? You must be very talented, I totally respect you for keeping things private.

I love my books, although I only really read romantic dramas just now im reading marian keys I have got loads of Icke books too,but i've read them all.

I work full time but do condensed hours, so I finish each day in time for school coming out, which works out perfect and I always have loads of time for my little girl. If I have another baby I will continue the same working pattern.

Hi Littlemiss, yes, I agree, I'm even thinking of full time job for a few months to stash as much cash as possible to enable me to take longer off working. I really dont want to stop writing but if anyone here has illusions that it makes you rich, then I promise that is one author in thousands...... Plus its very time consuming and how will I do it with a baby?

I think it must be extremely hard having a new born for mums who are totally self employed
That sounds like a great idea to work full time and save some money, your right it would be very hard to be self employed with a baby, but remember...it would only be full on for the first month or two, after that time you can rely a bit more on babysitters ect. I also think it must be hard time management wise when working from home, as even a person living alone would have disturbances, let alone a baby in the house.
I'm going to have to go back to work as a) I don't get any maternity pay/leave and b) it's REALLY expensive to live in Guernsey and DH can't afford the bills and mortgage on his wage.

When I had my son, I worked right up until the day I went into labour (and went home and painted the kitchen and had my hair done!! LOL) as I felt fantastic. No tiredness, sickness or anything. It really couldn't have been a better pregnancy. Then I took 5 months off (which I had to save for) and then I went back to my job part time (from 8-1pm). Now he's at school I've changed my hours to 9-3pm.

I'd like to do the same again for the next one if/when we're lucky enough to have one.

At the time I was gutted I'd have to go back to work but now I'm quite glad I had to as I know a few people who have taken time off with their kids and gone on to have 2 or 3 children and so had quite a few years off work and now they're faced with the daunting prospect of having to find a brand new job and having to re-train etc as things have changed so much since they last worked.
I'd love to be able to give up work or at least drop down to part time but financially it's just not possible. And as I'm 33, I can't really wait (I feel like I'm pushing it age wise as it is) until we're better off financially.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for that lottery win so I can be a full time mum.

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