Will she need wee?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Really quick question, will my midwife want a urine sample I have to go in about 45mins to see her for a check upxxx
yes, they are obsessed with the stuff i'm convinced they have a big vat of mine now
:rotfl: hahahaa, okay I'm gonna go wee in a pot then haha I can never do it when I'm there I gets all nervous!!!! Haha I don't want to suddenly give it too her just incase she doesn't want it haha and then I present her with a tube of pee! :rotfl: Hahahaa If I laugh anymore Im gona be giving it to the sofa instead!
:rotfl: lol iv got images of you walking in with your tube of pee all proud, shes like * erm i just wanted to ask a few questions, see how your gettin on * :p
sparky said:
yes, they are obsessed with the stuff i'm convinced they have a big vat of mine now

:rotfl: :rotfl: It's true, they are :D
:D Well I'm back and yeeeh she wanted my wee...I was so proud! She listened to the heart beat when she found it.....Pip is completely a wiggle bum! Honestly on both the scans they had problems coz she was wiggleing so much and the midwife was trying for a good 5mins to listen to the heart because she kept moving every time she got it! All else is healty and fine and she said to carry on with what ever I'm doing soooo woop for more kettle chips, pizza and cocacola!
Glad it went went :cheer:

:lol: @ your little wriggle bum for trying to move away :D
nice one, glad you wee'd, i always pinch a sample thingy for next time.
sparky said:
nice one, glad you wee'd, i always pinch a sample thingy for next time.

She gave mine back for recycling!!! She checked it there and said nought wrong with it.
dirty biatch...i've got 5 :lol: inc one in my handbag i think, :shock:
I'd be tempted to take her the same bloody wee, if she can't be bothered to give you a new pot! :rotfl:

Although here's me imagining that she gave you back the pot, wee and all. Perhaps she tipped it out first :think:
haha yehh she got rid of the wee and gave me the empty tube.
Glad everything went well at the MW, that reminds me to raid my mums boot of the car for more sample pots, my MW is to tight to give me any at all.
My MW always used to give me my pot back. I had the same one for about 5 months I think, until there was something wrong with my wee & it had to be send off. Then the bloody receptionist at the doctors tried to charge me 50p for a new one! Cheap buggers.

I always go on the basis that they ALWAYS want wee, so it's better to carry some at all times just in case :wink:

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