Water Infection - Worried


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Really need some advise, I gave a water sample in last week to my midwife who said there is some blood in my urine, I've booked to see the doctors on Monday but I'm really worried cause I don't really know what this is.

Does anyone know or has this happened to anyone?

I'm worried will everything be ok.
Could just be a kidney infection, nothing to worry about really. You'll be given the correct anti bitotics and hey presto!
You'll end up having to drink vast quantities of Cranberry juice... ( :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: I can't stand it) but seemingly it has an antioxidant in it that kills the bugs in urine.

I had loads of water infections when I was pregnant with Tia, and I've got another one at the moment...hence the horrid Cranberry juice I've had to drink constantly. :puke:

Also drinking loads of water helps flush the kidneys.

Its really common in pregnancy...yet another joy of being knocked up :lol:
I'm on my second. You are lucky they have spotted it early - my first progressed from a water infection to a kidney infection as my midwife hadn't been taking my samples off me, so I ended up being taken away from work by ambulance not being able to walk. It's ok though, you get a weeks worth of antibiotics and get told to drink cranberry juice and lots of water. Stay away from alcohol or caffeine in this time. It can be very painful, and paracetamols are ok to take (but dont overdo). If it gets to the stage where you are seriously having problems walking, in a lot more pain than paracetamols can cover, or are throwing up your tablets and food, then get to hospital. I had to stay in on a drip overnight on my first infection, but it had got really bad really quickly, so you prob wouldn't get to that stage.

There are loads of people on here that can help you :hug: but if you are in a lot of pain, or anything I said above, get to the hospital asap! It may not seem like fun at the time, but they'll sort you out. Make sure you tell them you're pregnant too if they don't know, as they'll have to give you pregnancy-safe tablets.

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