Wii Question


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I may be getting a Wii for my Birthday :cheer:

Does anyone know

a) If anywhere has any good offers on at the moment

b) What game I should get?..will probably only get one extra game on top of the sports, and more for Mason for Xmas, does anyone have the "Wii Play" game? Is it any good? How mnay mini games are on it? I want something thats good when mates come over. Later I'll get an adventure game or something for myself but at first I'll just wanna have fun on it I think.
that mario games really good :) like a board game type thing and u get mini games also :)

play we got cant remember how many minis u get tho
Wii Play is quite good, more to play with other people, like you say but not likely to be a fave for a single player as it does get a bit boring. I imagine the kids will prob love it tho :)
mario party 8. look at the back of the game first see if it suits u :)
Im gonna get 1 for my birthday too :D
best thing i seen it for £179.99 in asda atm
my boyf borrowed his sis's wii while she was on vacation and he LOVED resident evil. maybe not suitable for ur boys tho!
Raving rabbids is an excellent game :) Id try that as its lots of mini games with good graphics xx
Thanks everyone :D

Do all of these games use the wii remote in an, erm, moving around way?

We already have a PS2 for regular games I just want thge wii games to have us waving our arms around.

Ohhh speaking about resident evil.... does anyone know if there are and 2 player platform games?
Wii Play is a good bet for an extra game because it comes with a free extra remote. The console only comes with one, so if you want to play multiplayer you'll need to either buy of borrow some extra controls.

We've played 4 player tennis a few times with OH's sister & bil, that's great fun!
we are getting luke and daniel (gareths son) a wii each for xmas :cheer: i cant wait to have a go while luke is in school apparently they are great exercise which i desperatly need :oops: so if anyone hears of any great offers id love to know as we have to buy 2 :shock: xxxxxxx
I've just borrowed mario party 8 from the library so will let you know if its any good. I've played the last one on my game cube and its really good for kids. Resident Evil is quite a scary game.........even my OH thinks it is! Good game though. Big Brain Academy is good for playing agasint each other and I think its only about £15
Becksss said:
Im gonna get 1 for my birthday too :D
best thing i seen it for £179.99 in asda atm

thats how much they were when they come out lol

think my oh got his from babies r us

We got ours off Ebay for £120 - bargain and we got lots of extras with it too - it had been used once but it was perfect condition :)

We have loads of games for ours, at the moment Im hooked on Barnyard and My Sims! We also have Cooking Mama and Mario Party 8 which are really good.

My OH likes Wii Sports for the tennis and baseball and boxing - which are really energetic!!!

Kate x

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