

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Why is life so frigging cruel. Lost my bean again :cry: thought I was ok but just fell in floods of tears!
Why can't I be a mummy!!!
Big hugs darling, am so sorry. Wish there was something that could be said that would explain it all, but I don't have those words. Cry, rant, scream shout or whatever as much as you need to hon, whatever you feel right now is completely ok and normal.

Am sending positive healing thoughts your way

Thanks. I just feel very angry all of a sudden. I'm a nice person and I deserve my chance to be a mummy. Just so sad. You know I used to look at pregnant teens and think it was terrible but you know if I had my chance again is have started young if I had known it would take so long :cry:

Work is annoying me. I'm currently mc now and I thought I was ok so come back to work after my scan this morning and all I'm getting is what's wrong are you ok? They know all about my pg and mc so want to scream no I'm not. Manager just said let's have no phoning in sick tomorrow. Too busy on Saturdays (work in a shop) I am thinking I might just phone in to piss him off x
I can understand that hon, as for working tomorrow if you don't feel up to it, you are perfectly entitled to phone in sick, any doctor in the world would back you up that! Mc is hard both physically and especially emotionally and no one in their right mind can expect you to just magically be ok.

Make sure you do something nice this evening, whether it's nice food, a relaxing bath or your fav film, you need to be kind to yourself.

I'm so sorry, thinking of you and I know exactly what you mean, life seems so unfair and cruel. You know where we are if you want help, a rant, advice, anything at all. Big hug.
Don't go into work just because he says so. Time off to miscarry is classed as pregnancy-related illness and is protected by the Equality Act. What a disgraceful attitude from him.

That aside, so sorry to hear you are going through this again. Take whatever time you need to work through it and grieve. I agree with the others, find a nice treat for yourself tonight.
So sorry to hear what has happened, do not let your boss bully you into working - if you don't feel up to it mentally or physically - don't.

Take carex
So sorry to heard that, I was rooting for you too after everything you've been through. Keep positive, it will happen!!! As for your boss, tell him to stick it, any doctor would sign you off in a heartbeat. Big hugs xx
What awful news, I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I'm surprised you went back into work but can understand why, do what you need to do and make you the priority. Take care of yourself, big hugs xx
So sorry it was bad news hun. Life is just so unfair, I've had 2 mc as well and wonder if ill ever be a mum :( Take all the time you need work can't do anything about it anyway xx
So sorry hun :hugs:
You have every right to feel upset, angry and whatever else you want. You have been through and are going through such a hard time. Tell your boss to piss off and spend the day eating chocolate and resting. Sod work, do whatever it takes to make this horrible time more bearable. You will get yor chance hun, look after yourself x
It seems so unfair that after all the years you have been TTC you have had to suffer not one but two losses.

Although maybe it means the universe made you stronger?

Your boss is a complete a-hole and if you don't feel up to it tomorrow then don't go to work.

I am sorry that this has happened to you

Aww hun I'm so sorry. My doc has given me a 2 week sick note for my MC so I don't have to go in until Jan 14th.
It's not fair. First thing I did was go home pour myself a glass of wine and try to do as many things that I couldn't do whilst I was pregnant. It made me feel a bit better. There are no words to help and it is so unfair. This has been an awful month for us found out in Dec. If you want to talk about anything give me a shout. I work in sales too and I have been off for so long over this busy time my boss has been very understanding and I don't know what I would have done without his support. I wish I could give you a big hug.
How are you doing fun? Hope you've managed to get some time for yourself. x
Thinking of you hon, hope you are doing ok xx
Thanks ladies. I called in sick today. Spending the whole weekend with the hubby watching movies and eating crap lol. Xx
I'm glad! Smile when you can and cry when you need to. Take care xx
Sounds like a great plan hon. Take care of yourselves. :hugs: xx
Glad you were able to call in sick. I hope the weekend off gives you time to come to terms with things.
Good on you! Might sound strange, but after my mc, I bought myself steak (which I love rare), Brie and red wine, all the things I couldn't have when I was pregnant! Do anything that makes you feel better x

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